fromDailyWire: British single-payer system forced to ration care for tens of thousands.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market       Regulation Nation

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Law professor and columnist Eugene Volokh looks at troubling trends against academic freedom at American college and universities.
Indoctrination and Censorship

fromWired: Cops can determine a suspect’s precise location, outgoing and incoming calls, and even listen-in on a call or see the content of a text message using a device called Stingray.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

fromInvestors: Any voters outside the Clinton bubble who negotiated their way around the "who cares?" media in 2016 could clearly see that the Clintons have filled a 50-car train with scandal baggage over the decades.
Media Bias on Parade

fromPatriotRising: Sessions’ usurpation of state marijuana laws is the type of federal intrusion into state issues usually opposed by conservatives. Sadly, too many conservatives are willing to sacrifice individual liberties for the war on drugs.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange      The Government is Not Us

fromTheIntercept: With major NSA surveillance authorities set to expire later this month, House Republicans are rushing to pass a bill that would reauthorize existing powers and codify into law some practices that critics have called unconstitutional.