March 26, 2016

New law will make it illegal for people to walk and smoke at the same time

fromTheFreeThought: NOT FROM THE ONION. Have residents of New York City just been deemed too dumb to smoke and walk at the same time? 
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery     Regulation Nation

Scott Walker is making it harder to receive welfare in Wisconsin. Will this become a nationwide blueprint?

fromTruthOut: Trouble is, the legislation will cost the state's taxpayers about $37.9 million and federal taxpayers around $35.5 million. Somehow, Walker found a way for both recipients and taxpayers to lose.
The Welfare State: Promoting Dependency

In gambling battle, both sides are wrong

fromReason: Neither supporters nor opponents want to consider personal liberty. 
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Canadian disabled man denied care but offered euthanasia

fromTheNationalReview: Will euthanasia be about money? Does CNN hate Donald Trump? A look at how socialized medicine works. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market      Regulation Nation

Venezuela experiencing free fall

fromTheGoldTelegraph: Socialism circles the drain. Worried about higher prices when you go to the supermarket? So are Venezuelans. Consumer prices saw a 6,147 percent annual increase in February. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

School district arms teachers with ‘bucket of rocks’ to defend students from mass shooters

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: Not from the Onion. The superintendent said arming each teacher with a 5-gallon bucket of rocks is the most he can do under the current laws.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery