June 27, 2020
fromAP: Critics of the socialist government blame chronic infrastructure failures on years of corruption and mismanagement that have also left the electrical grid fragile and destroyed Venezuela’s once-thriving oil industry.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
fromTheHill: Government mandated vaccinations for adults would be a major and controversial step. But then government has taken a number of major and controversial steps recently, such as shutting down the economy.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle
fromActivistPost:Our elected officials can pass laws regulating the police, and watchdog bodies can review law enforcement policies, but if training materials are kept secret, it provides a back door for manufacturers of surveillance technology and private organizations to influence police practices without oversight or accountability.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make Police State America Regulation Nation
fromCreators: Both blacks and whites can benefit from a better appreciation of black history.
Indoctrination and Censorship
fromReason: If you thought the economic toll wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic was only going to be horrendous, you may have been overly optimistic.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Thomas Sowell, Walter E Williams, Star Parker, Jason Riley, Bob Woodson and Larry Elder share their insights on how a half century of the welfare state has changed America and the American family.
The Welfare State: Promoting Dependency
June 13, 2020
fromReason: Gun opponents would leave predatory cops armed and their victims helpless. So much for that idea.
2nd Amendment Assaults
fromJonathanTurley: Around the country, the percentage of civilian complaints that result in disciplinary action is astonishingly low. And the rate at which offending officers are severely disciplined is effectively zero.
Police State America
fromInformationLiberation: Senator Paul is "single-handedly" holding this atrocious bill up as the GOP-controlled senate is too cowardly to stand against it, lest they be perceived as "pro-lynching."
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
fromZeroHedge: "Anarchists just took over Seattle and the Liberal Democrat Governor just said he knows “nothing about that”. -- Donald Trump
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
fromSpiked: They support BLM marchers but wanted to deny medical care to lockdown protesters.
Regulation Nation
fromJonathanTurley: Despite its violent history, some Democratic leaders have been enablers or outright supporters of the Antifa movement, insisting that such groups cannot be compared to extreme right wing groups.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
March 2, 2020
fromReason: Four myths about the law that made the modern internet possible.
Indoctrination and Censorship
fromCreators: Bloomberg targeted smoking, flavored tobacco products, fattening sodas, loud music, grass clippings, cellphones in schools, salt, guns, Styrofoam and restaurant menus without calorie counts.
Regulation Nation
fromActivistPost: Schools are experimenting with the very same surveillance technologies that totalitarian governments use to surveil and abuse the rights of their citizens everywhere: online, offline, and on their phones.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make
fromDailyBell: In the latest attempt to sugarcoat turds, California will now refer to “at risk youth” instead as, “at promise youth.”
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery
fromTownhall: "Democrats are attempting to take things too far and are promoting prohibitionist policies that we know don’t work and often cause more harm than good."
fromTownhall: Why would any people trade individual liberty for government control?
February 24, 2020
fromNewsweek: Just as government cannot provide absolute safety at home, it cannot guarantee perpetual stability abroad. Nation-building only endangers our troops.
Defense Versus The War Machine
fromReason: Adult performers are outraged at the proposed licensing requirements.
Regulation Nation
February 20, 2020
fromFreeThoughtProject: After the body camera footage was released, the school responded by claiming that police were not present when Nadia was allegedly throwing her tantrum.
fromReason: Apparently, the majority of Democratic presidential contenders want to parade student debt sob stories around. These stories don't show the full picture.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process
February 13, 2020
fromJudicialWatch: Letters were sent to election officials in five states – California, Colorado, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia – warning that they could face a federal lawsuit for their failure to update voter rolls.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
fromWattsUpWithThat: Although the NY Times tries to sell their paper with the slogan “The Truth is Worth It”, their misleading articles suggest you should spend your money elsewhere.
Media Bias on Parade
November 15, 2019
fromGatewayPundit: On Tuesday, CD Media posted leaked records of payments to Hunter Biden from Burisma Holdings totaling millions.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
fromDailyMail: Lake County Commission in central Florida passed a resolution to protect its residents from having their assault weapons taken away by state legislation.
2nd Amendment Assaults
fromZeroHedge: Jim Jordan: You didn’t listen in on President Trump & Zelensky’s call?
Taylor: I did not. Jordan: You’ve never talked with Chief of Staff Mulvaney?
Taylor: I never did. Jordan: You’ve never met the President?
Taylor: That’s correct. Jordan: And you’re their star witness.
fromBusinessInsider: The lines to get into government supermarkets are so long that people mark their arms with their place in line.
November 13, 2019
fromAIER: The Real ID also represents the “last mile” in the ability of the state to track individuals in real time.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make
fromStrategicCulture: "...the Deep State, in America, are not perpetrators of corrupt government, but, as The NYTimes explains, are instead courageous enemies of corrupt government..."
The Government is Not Us
fromWND: Politicians see no need to shroud corruption anymore. To hell with citizens that don't want to sponsor viewpoints they oppose.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
fromRutherfordInstitute: Police defend use of taser, chokehold & excessive force against man who complied during arrest. Any aggression toward citizens can be rationalized by the state.
Police State America
fromAIER: Where socialism is more rampant than even California.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
fromAIER: Corrupt governments everywhere want him dead. Make no mistake, Assange is a hero to mankind. Support for the imprisonment of Assange is an American disgrace. America is not an icon of liberty anymore.
November 1, 2019
fromGatewayPundit: Last night it was as if the planets aligned against the Deep State. On four different fronts it’s now clear that the crooks in the Obama Administration should be very worried.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
fromReason: Freedom of expression is under attack from politicians, activists, and, saddest of all, journalists who benefit most from it. When hate speech is banned, the only alternative is hate action.
Political Correctness & Other Nitwittery
fromCurrrentAffairs: If you want to know why America’s giant military apparatus seems never to shrink and our wars never seem to end, you’ll find a big clue on the front page of yesterday’s New York Times.
Defense Versus The War Machine
fromReason: From plastic bag bans to plastic straw bans to bans on shampoo bottles in hotels, California is adopting supposedly environmental policies that won't save the environment but will piss off residents.
Political Correctness & Other Nitwittery
fromCreators: Gun controllers' belief that "easy" gun availability is our problem ignores U.S. history. Guns were far more readily available yesteryear.
2nd Amendment Assaults
fromTownhall: It's taken us almost 250 years to build this country, and we could wreck it in a single generation. At this rate, we will. In order to prevent the looming disaster, we need to be clear on what has gone wrong.
June 26, 2019
fromFreeThoughtProject: As the media and government continue to push for an all out war with Iran, remember that these same people have been caught repeatedly lying to start nearly every war in US history.
June 24, 2019
fromDigitalJournal: The Charlatans, who are SO quick to swear on the Bible that they will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, have just effectively repealed the Fourth Amendment.
June 21, 2019
fromTheDailyBell: It was only a few decades ago that legalizing marijuana was still considered fringe. Now, marijuana legalization is a commonly accepted policy proposition.
June 14, 2019
fromMises: You probably know what is going on in Venezuela. You probably don't know what is going on in Cuba.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
fromIssues&Insights: "if nothing can disprove a theory, and every event, no matter how contradictory, is proof that the theory is valid, is that really science? Sounds more like a religion."
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery
fromActivistPosts: Seeking to emulate China, Rep. Kathleen Rice’s H.R. 3374 bill, otherwise known as the End Drunk Driving Act, would put breathalyzers and ignition interlock devices in every new car.
Regulation Nation
fromReason: A small city in California has been plagued by police shootings, costly civil rights lawsuits, and incidents of excessive force.
Police State America
fromMises: Marijuana made up $1.2 million, the largest single source of cash. If we are governed by consent of the people, the people must have been demanding this. Or, perhaps we should check our premises.
fromReason: Republicans, who have gleefully warned the public about Democratic flirtations with socialism, shouldn't be quick to gloat given the emergence of an anti-freedom movement on the Right.
May 22, 2019
fromNewser: They are obviously not taught that the First Amendment expressly exists to protect unpopular speech, since popular speech needs no protection.
Indoctrination and Censorship
fromRT: Georgetown researchers are warning Americans about a sophisticated real-time face surveillance system that’s about to become an “imminent reality” for millions of citizens across the country.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make
fromTheGuardian: Julian Assange’s belongings from his time living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London will be handed over to US prosecutors on Monday, according to WikiLeaks.
May 8, 2019
fromActivistPost: High Court denied the state’s request to delay briefing until NY resolved its rule making process. As a result, the briefing will go forward on the first true Second Amendment case since McDonald v. Chicago.
2nd Amendment Assaults
fromReason: Socialists like Bernie Sanders tell us that "the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer." Bernie's wrong about that. The poor are much better off.