June 21, 2019
Decentralize the drug war — on the way to abolishing it
fromTheDailyBell: It was only a few decades ago that legalizing marijuana was still considered fringe. Now, marijuana legalization is a commonly accepted policy proposition.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange
VIDEO: Bernie Sanders - How America would Feel the Bern
fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Bernie Sanders' vision for America, in his own words.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
"He will get subpoenaed": Congressman assures 'triggered' Joe Scarborough that Mueller will testify
fromZeroHedge: "It's going to happen. He will get subpoenaed."
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
Enemy of the state: The war on Julian Assange
fromMedium: Assange is to be made an example of to journalists not only in the US but in other nations as well. If he winds up extradited and found guilty, this will be a hammerblow to reporters who constantly are working on exposed truths and secrets and pertains not only to the US but to other governments as well.
Indoctrination and Censorship The Government is Not Us
Central planning is poisonous to innovation
fromCreators: It was only a few decades ago that legalizing marijuana was still considered fringe. Now, marijuana legalization is a commonly accepted policy proposition.
Regulation Nation