Showing posts with label First Amendment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label First Amendment. Show all posts
Ayn Rand,
First Amendment,
jury nullification,
socialized medicine,
February 20, 2020
The socialist delusions of Bernie Sanders
fromReason: Central planning kills economic growth.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market. Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
fromReason: Central planning kills economic growth.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market. Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market. Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
Financial feudalism
fromReason: The oligarchy uses debt offensively (to increase wealth and power), while the masses must use debt defensively (to survive)...
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
fromReason: The oligarchy uses debt offensively (to increase wealth and power), while the masses must use debt defensively (to survive)...
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
6yo girl taken from school by police without parents’ consent, held in facility for 48 hours for tantrum
fromFreeThoughtProject: After the body camera footage was released, the school responded by claiming that police were not present when Nadia was allegedly throwing her tantrum.
fromFreeThoughtProject: After the body camera footage was released, the school responded by claiming that police were not present when Nadia was allegedly throwing her tantrum.
WaPo opinion piece calls for elites to have a 'bigger say in choosing president'
fromTownhall: “Democracy Dies in Darkness” may be The WaPos slogan, but many are wondering if it’s actually the paper’s mission statement.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
fromTownhall: “Democracy Dies in Darkness” may be The WaPos slogan, but many are wondering if it’s actually the paper’s mission statement.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
This crackdown on a jury nullification activist violates the First Amendment
fromReason: Apparently, the majority of Democratic presidential contenders want to parade student debt sob stories around. These stories don't show the full picture.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process
fromReason: Apparently, the majority of Democratic presidential contenders want to parade student debt sob stories around. These stories don't show the full picture.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process
Cashless agenda? China is scrubbing cash notes to stop virus spreading so its paper money won’t kill you
fromActivistPost: Beyond China, this crisis might also be used by governments in different parts of the world that want to transition to a “cashless society” to justify their actions.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
fromActivistPost: Beyond China, this crisis might also be used by governments in different parts of the world that want to transition to a “cashless society” to justify their actions.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
Bernie Sanders,
First Amendment,
jury nullification,
November 1, 2019
Four different reports released last night indicate the days ahead will be devastating for the deep state
fromGatewayPundit: Last night it was as if the planets aligned against the Deep State. On four different fronts it’s now clear that the crooks in the Obama Administration should be very worried.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
CEO of Constitution Center wants to cancel First Amendment, pass hate speech laws
fromReason: Freedom of expression is under attack from politicians, activists, and, saddest of all, journalists who benefit most from it. When hate speech is banned, the only alternative is hate action.
Political Correctness & Other Nitwittery
The pro-war assumptions in your newspaper
fromCurrrentAffairs: If you want to know why America’s giant military apparatus seems never to shrink and our wars never seem to end, you’ll find a big clue on the front page of yesterday’s New York Times.
Defense Versus The War Machine
Why do environmentalists seem determined to torment, rather than convince?
fromReason: From plastic bag bans to plastic straw bans to bans on shampoo bottles in hotels, California is adopting supposedly environmental policies that won't save the environment but will piss off residents.
Political Correctness & Other Nitwittery
Walter E Williams: Gun grabbers misleading us
fromCreators: Gun controllers' belief that "easy" gun availability is our problem ignores U.S. history. Guns were far more readily available yesteryear.
2nd Amendment Assaults
Why kids are socialists and how to start fixing it
fromTownhall: It's taken us almost 250 years to build this country, and we could wreck it in a single generation. At this rate, we will. In order to prevent the looming disaster, we need to be clear on what has gone wrong.May 31, 2019
Alexa ‘could be about to get even creepier,’ Amazon patent reveals
fromYahooNews: It would alter how Echo works - so that instead of waiting for its ‘wake word’, Alexa, it would effectively be listening all the time. Only a potent 2nd Amendment will keep this from eventually being mandatory.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make
VIDEO: Victor Davis Hanson - Evaluating Donald Trump
fromLibertyPen/YouTube: A brilliant analysis of the phenomenon known as Donald Trump.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
Press freedom: Widespread confusion about who counts as a journalist and whether it matters
fromCreators: We have a First Amendment. Freedom is not a special privilege that belongs only to officially recognized journalists. It applies to all of us when we use technologies of mass communication.
The Government is Not Us Indoctrination and Censorship
Cops strip-searched a 4-year-old after mom's errand took too long
fromReason: How dare the authorities not only second-guess a mom's very safe decision, but take their investigation so far beyond the bounds of common sense—and decency?
Police State America
Tide of public opinion is turning in Assange’s favor
fromConsortiumNews: The indictment of Julian Assange under the Espionage Act has profoundly affected press coverage of the WikiLeaks founder.
The Government is Not Us Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption Indoctrination and Censorship
The Right’s latest tactic on gun laws? Just don’t enforce them
fromRollingStone: Counties across the country are sticking it to “big city elites” by declaring themselves “Second Amendment sanctuaries”April 22, 2019
Financial tyranny: America has become a pay-to-play exercise in fascism
fromRutherfordInstitute: We get taxed on how much we earn, taxed on what we eat, taxed on what we buy, taxed on where we go, taxed on what we drive, and taxed on how much is left of our assets when we die, and yet we have no real say in how the government runs, or how our taxpayer funds are used.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
Police State America Government is Watching Every Move You Make
The battle Isn't right vs left. It’s statism vs. individualism
fromFEE: How high does the death toll need to get before people realize that communism, like its sister ideology of Nazism, is despicably evil?Ancestry websites giving FBI access to DNA data
fromActivistPost: FamilyTreeDNA is the first company known to be cooperating directly with the FBI to give its agents access to its genealogy database, according to a BuzzFeed report.Police State America Government is Watching Every Move You Make
Tucker Carlson: Assange's real sin was preventing Hillary Clinton from becoming president
fromFoxNews: He only told the truth and used her own words. Unforgivable.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
Assange and the unforgivable sin of disemboweling official narratives
fromCharlesHughSmith: There is really only one unforgivable sin in the political realm, and that's destroying the official narrative by revealing the facts of the matter. This is why whistleblowers who make public the secret machinery of the elaborately artful lies underpinning all official narratives are hounded to the ends of the Earth.
The Government is Not Us
The Assange exception to the First Amendment
fromReason: Freedom of the press is not limited to "legitimate journalists."
First Amendment,
free speech,
Hillary Clinton,
Julian Assange,
August 6, 2018
Survey shows shocking percentage of Americans are unable to name a single First Amendment right
fromIJR: Of the more than 1,000 people surveyed in May and June of this year, only one person was able to name all five First Amendment rights. A whopping 40 percent, however, couldn't name any.Individual Liberty: America's First Principle
Trump pumps the brakes on Obama-era fuel standards
fromReason: The administrations proposal will make cars more affordable and save lives.Regulation Nation
Former federal state prosecutor worries about jury nullification In Manafort trial
fromNPR: Many statists worry the jury could see through their tyrannical strong-arm tactics and blatant political persecution and the judge isn't helping.Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process
Feds spend $1.1 million creating apps for transwomen and gay teens with ‘hooking up simulations’
fromWashingtonFreeBeacon: Your tax dollars at work. You are now subsidizing T3, a "sex-positive" app targeting black men ages 14 to 17 who have sex with men.Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery The Government is Not Us
WATCH: Cop walks up to unarmed man, shoots him in the face then plants a weapon on him
fromFreeThoughtProject: A cop tried to claim an unarmed man tried to rob him but video shows the cop shoot the victim in the face and then plant a weapon on him.Police State America
Criminal investigation launched against Detroit cop who was filmed beating a naked woman in a hospital
fromDailyMail: The officer is on paid suspension. It was announced that a criminal investigation has been launched.Police State America
fromCreators: Professors at schools of education tend to have the lowest level of academic respectability. American education could benefit from eliminating schools of education.
Indoctrination and Censorship
from TheDailyCaller: Any attempt to regulate the internet comes into direct conflict with the First Amendment, which is what makes the internet work in the first place. Restricted online speech = one-sided political dialogue and less ideological diversity.
Media Bias on Parade Indoctrination and Censorship
Media Bias on Parade Indoctrination and Censorship
from TheFreeThoughtProject: A self-proclaimed pedophile hunter, who lures would-be child molesters into public spaces where they can be arrested, has been arrested for this practice.
The Government is Not Us
from Yahoo: One reason for the clash is that citations to those feeding the homeless helps feed the coffers of politicians.
The Government is Not Us
fromTheDailySheeple: HuffPost writer Andy Ostroy attempted to virtue signal as a progressive liberal by attacking Republican Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina as a token black man and a “manipulated prop” being used to sell the tax bill. Then ...
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery
First Amendment,
free speech,
political correctness,
red tape,
December 7, 2017
House Republicans prepare contempt action against FBI, DOJ
from Bloomberg: The Deep State is being challenged at last. What will happen when push comes to shove?Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
Supreme Court asked to stop warrantless searches of vehicles parked on private residential property
from Rutherford Institute: The Rutherford Institute has asked the Supreme Court to prohibit police from entering private residential property uninvited and without a warrant, in order to search a vehicle parked a few feet from the house.Police State America
Wisconsin court affirms mom's conviction for swearing at son, without deciding First Amendment issue
from Journal Sentinel: The last count was for profanely berating and insulting her 14-year-old son after he burned some popcorn. The boy had been talking to a friend at the time, who heard the tirade over the phone.Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery
Anti-white bigotry on the rise in college newspapers
from TheNewAmerican: Bigotry against blacks would never be given an outlet in a college newspaper. Neither should bigotry against whites — or anyone else.Indoctrination and Censorship Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery
Swat-style raid over tea leaves headed to court
from USNews: Whether police lied about testing discarded tea leaves found in a Kansas couple's trash to get permission for a SWAT-style raid is the focus of a federal trial.Police State America
Ex-coach cited malnutrition for poor performance by Venezuela’s national women’s soccer team
from Dangerous: The Venezuelan Soccer Federation claims that the under-20s national women’s soccer team was “largely insulated” from the country's food crisis, where citizens have been forced to raise pet rabbits for food, and even hunt flamingos.Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
October 25, 2017
Britain says no the term "pregnant woman" as it excludes transgender people
from FoxNews: For those suffering from gender dysphoria, it is apparently considered unkind to suggest a womb is necessary
in order to be pregnant.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery
in order to be pregnant.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery
California's six-figure pension club has 62,000 members
from Reason: And seven retirees in Los Angeles pulled down more than $1 million each in retirement benefits last year. "Public service" has its privileges.
Economic Policy: Statism vs. The Free Market
Economic Policy: Statism vs. The Free Market
Lies and manipulation: The sorry state of global climate alarmism
from WattsUpWithThat?: While practitioners of environmental religion fret about one-tenth of one degree, India has real concerns: food and water.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
Europe: journalists against free speech
from GatestoneInstitute: Gone is all pretense that journalism is about reporting the facts.
Media Bias on Parade
Media Bias on Parade
Sens. Rand Paul and Ron Wyden unveil privacy-protecting surveillance reform bill
from Reason: Two senators fight back against the surveillance society and the police state to protect individual from their government.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make
Government is Watching Every Move You Make
Don’t call the cops if you’re autistic, deaf, mentally ill, disabled or old
from Rutherford Institute: Sometimes it’s dangerous enough calling the cops when you’re not contending with a disability. Unfortunately, the risks just skyrocket when a disability is involved.
Police State America
Police State America
October 24, 2017
New York Magazine: Democrats commit suicide by favoring migrants
from Breitbart: As well as the DNC purge, the ongoing Hillary hysterics, the obstructionism, the split between the mainstream and Sanders people, the alienation of black youth and white males...
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
Walter E Williams: Undermining America
from Creators: Though typical Democrats and Republicans do not have this
leftist hate for our nation, they have been willing accomplices in
undermining the most basic value the Founding Fathers sought to promote —
limited government.
Indoctrination and Censorship
Indoctrination and Censorship
🎬 ⭐️ Tucker Carlson - Chilling Free Speech on College Campuses
from LibertyPen: From censoring speakers to squads of thought police: a look at the many tactics used to chill speech on campus. Excerpts from Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Indoctrination and Censorship
Indoctrination and Censorship
Eye-opening survey shows top fear of US citizens is government, not terrorism
from The FreeThoughtProject: An extensive survey of hundreds of adults across the United States has just revealed that the thing most Americans fear—more than anything else—is their own government.
The Government is Not Us
The Government is Not Us
Trump, Rand Paul come to the rescue in new health care executive order
from Townhall: At last, a step in the right direction.
Regulation Nation
Regulation Nation
What liberals need to learn about free speech
from The Panther: Excellent article from a Chapman college student, who campaigned for Hillary, making the case for free speech to his fellow liberals.
Indoctrination and Censorship
Indoctrination and Censorship
September 27, 2017
When the government declared war on the First Amendment
from Reason: It all started with President Woodrow Wilson a hundred years ago.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle
Mel Brooks: Political correctness 'is the death of comedy'
from CNS News: Blazing Saddles could not be made today. Too many snowflakes might melt.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery
The coming war on business
from NY Times: So much more than the title suggests. A great article to explain how racism has polluted an otherwise worthwhile move to embrace traditional American principles.
The Government is Not Us
The Government is Not Us
Brazil’s latest outbreak of drug gang violence highlights the real culprit: the war on drugs
from The Intercept: Legalization is their answer. "The data show that, judged by virtually every metric, the Portuguese decriminalization framework has been a resounding success.”
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange
John Stossel: Entrepreneur saves free college courses from government ban
from Reason: An internet entrepreneur saved 20,000+ free online college lectures after the government declared them illegal.
Indoctrination and Censorship
Indoctrination and Censorship
California considers following China with combustion-engine car ban
from Bloomberg: This makes sense -- but only in explaining where California's goofy Governor Brown gets his guidance.
Economic Policy: Statism vs The Free Market
Economic Policy: Statism vs The Free Market
Green Light For Jury-Nullification Crusaders

Protecting Consumers From Speech-Chilling Lawsuits

First Amendment,
free expression,
free speech,
Dear AG, Conspiring Against Free Speech Is A Crime

More People Recognizing Copyright's 'Free Speech Problem'

Jack Hellner: Prosecuting Free Speech

Trump Is Not Responsible For Violence Against Him

Trump And His Protesters Both Hate Free Speech

Is The ACLU Going Soft On The First Amendment?

civil rights,
First Amendment,
free expression,
free speech,
social justice
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