April 11, 2016

The slippery slope to a Constitution-free America

fromCreators: The ease with which Americans accept routine invasions of their privacy and the dismantling of every constitutional right intended to serve as a bulwark against government abuses is beyond unnerving. 
The Government is Not Us     Police State America   

Congress should stop ‘policing for profit’

fromOCRegister: For decades, federal, state and local law enforcement agencies have been free to seize the property of Americans without so much as bringing criminal charges. It's legalized theft. 
Police State America

DHS wants to create profiles of journalists and “media influencers” who mention its name

fromActivistPost: The Department of Homeland Security wants to compile an extensive database on journalists, editors, foreign correspondents, and bloggers to identify top “media influencers” who mention its name. 
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Has the war party hooked Trump?

fromCreators: The sole beneficiaries of the gas attacks in Salisbury and Syria appear to be the War Party. 
Defense Versus The War Machine

‘Another false flag’: Fmr Congressman Ron Paul on Syrian gas attack

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: Former congressman Ron Paul weighed in on the alleged gas attack which took place in Syria and noted how the deep state will use this likely false flag to push the US into another senseless war. 
Defense Versus The War Machine

If Laura Ingraham goes down for 'bullying,' you're next!

fromCreators: If Ingraham is a "bully," what do you call MSNBC's caustic, Trump-hating lineup of hosts?  
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery     Media Bias on Parade