September 15, 2018

Misconceptions of individualism

fromBeingLibertarian: While collectivists are concerned with the general welfare of the group they are defending, individualists have concern for the injustice of any human being.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Pot prohibition makes self-defense illegal

fromReason: The people wanted freedom and voted to legalize cannabis. Government's response is to the citizen is to exploit with taxation and diminish their rights. The government is not us.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange       2nd Amendment Assaults       The Government is Not Us

FBI discussed "media leak strategy" ahead of major Trump-Russia revelation

fromTheDailyCaller: This was never anything more than a political ploy from the outset.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption      Media Bias on Parade

VIDEO: Deep State Sedition Exposed

fromReason: First, the mainstream media denied the existence of the deep state. Now, they admit there is but say Trump deserves it.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

"Panic And Dismay": Leaked Video reveals distraught Google execs grappling with Hillary Clinton's loss

fromReason: Goggle should abandon the grotesque pretense that it is politically neutral.
Media Bias on Parade

Venezuela raises minimum wage 3,000% and lots of workers get fired

fromBloomberg: Venezuelan workers who earned a pittance are now earning a slightly larger pittance, thanks to a big increase in the minimum wage. What they may not have are jobs.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market