February 17, 2020

The student debt you willingly took on is not my problem to solve

fromTheFederalist: Apparently, the majority of Democratic presidential contenders want to parade student debt sob stories around. These stories don't show the full picture.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

It's time to ask Schiff about his informant, Eric Ciaramella

fromFreeThoughtProject: Eric Ciaramella is the infamous whistle leaker. His name has been an open secret in Washington D.C. He has been named by Rush Limbaugh, Eric Trump and Rand Paul.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

New law to decriminalize prostitution allowing cops to focus on actual crime

fromEagleObserver: Just like the war on drugs creates crime by pushing the unending demand for illicit substances into the black market, the war on the sex trade creates crime in the same manner.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Walter E Williams: A more or less perfect union

fromCreators: "A More or Less Perfect Union" is a three-part series, produced by Free to Choose Network, that will air on various PBS stations across the nation starting in February.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Walter E Williams: Political bias on college campuses

fromCreators: The true tragedy is that so many Americans are blind to the fact that today's colleges and universities pose a threat on several fronts to the well-being of our nation.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption           Indoctrination and Censorship

A government license for 'art therapy,' because glue and scissors are 'potentially' dangerous?

fromReason: Based on such potential dangers as the "sharp edges" on scissors and "toxic chemicals" in glue, state lawmakers in Virginia are on their way to approving a new licensing law to cover art therapists.
Regulation Nation