April 4, 2021

fromCreators: A federal appeals court rejects a highly Implausible redefinition of machine guns. 

fromTabletMag: A new documentary about former Executive Director Ira Glasser explains how the once-storied civil liberties organization came to embrace the ideology it was built to fight. 

fromReason: The Founders could not have imagined the Commerce Clause covering an eviction moratorium. 

fromCreators: A federal appeals court rejects a highly Implausible redefinition of machine guns. 

fromTabletMag: The late scholar Judith Shklar warned that liberalism can degenerate into a cult of victimhood that permits our sadistic desires to be passed off as unimpeachable virtue. Her warning is newly urgent today. 

fromBabylonBee: "He has always been so docile and well behaved–always limiting his interactions to sniffing and friendly licks. He’s never bitten anyone like this.'” (satire)