April 5, 2021

fromTheFederalist: Are Americans supposed to accept that the government, private employers, and businesses such as airlines and Costco may stop you and demand that you show your COVID-19 papers? 

fromNBCNews: New voting integrity measures have been signed into law in Georgia, Iowa, Arkansas and Utah. 

fromEpochTimes: Since we are to believe Joe Biden is the most popular in president in history (10 million votes more popular than Obama), either these dislikes must have been made in error or the site was hacked. 🙄

fromReason: The role of the state is to protect rights and guard against fraud, not to preventing risky choices. 

fromTheHill: Evidence of this view can be found in the Second Amendment itself. First, there are no “except” clauses in the text. It simply says the right to bear arms “shall not be infringed.” 

fromTheFrontPage: When the only way to fight racism accusations is with more racism accusations.