January 10, 2022                                             

fromRutherfordInstitute: Despotism has become our new normal. Digital tyranny, surveillance. Intolerance, cancel culture, censorship. Lockdowns, mandates, government overreach. Supply chain shortages, inflation. Police brutality, home invasions, martial law. The loss of bodily integrity, privacy, autonomy.
fromUnherd: Biden is using them to punish his enemies.

fromDailyMail: Grammy-nominated Five For Fighting singer John Ondrasik said his new music video that shows footage of President Joe Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan has been censored and removed by YouTube.
Indoctrination and Censorship                                                                     Media Bias on Parade

fromBreitbart: Harris and Biden both used the occasion to warn that the future of American democracy was at stake. But, it is their removal of safeguards from the election process that threatens the American way of life.   

fromJonathanTurley: Not surprisingly, the poll received little comparative coverage on a day when reporters and commentators spoke of “the insurrection” as an undeniable fact.

fromDeadState: "One of the most chilling and transitional moments in history was captured on film back on December 21, 1989, with the Romanian president and vicious tyrant Nicolae Ceausescu. More of the same please.