January 11, 2022                                             

fromWashintonExaminer: The proposed amendment would hike several key taxes to fund a state-level government healthcare scheme. It is estimated to increase the average household’s taxes by an astonishing $12,250.

fromFoxNews: She is a shining example of an activist judge. She looks to distort facts in order to support preconceptions. Her job is not to be an interpreter of facts but rather an interpreter of law.

fromBig: One of result is the ‘Great Ammunition Shortage of 2021.’ "5.56 ammunition for an AR-15 used to be about 33 cents a round," said Mark Oliva, director of public affairs for the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

fromSpiked: One year on, Big Tech’s censorship of the then US president remains a democratic outrage.

fromWashingtonExaminer: Consumers will pay more for mortgages (+ rent) and higher rates on credit cards.