July 28, 2022

fromRutherfordInstitute: Be warned: the DNA detectives are on the prowl.

fromWashingtonExaminer: More migrants have been found dead on the U.S. side of the southern border over the past nine months than have ever been recorded over a full year in history.

fromEricPetersAutos: The fact that Fauci graduated from medical school says much about the worth of medical school – at least, if this man is an example of the results of such schooling. For he is either an imbecile – as defined in the pre-politically correct days as a person having a very low IQ and poor cognitive function – or he is evil.

fromInsideHook: Here’s how much prices for tickets, hot dogs and beer are up this season.

fromReason: The Senate majority leader’s marijuana bill would pile on more taxes and regulations, despite years of complaints about the barriers they create.
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fromJonathanTurley: The fact that Fauci graduated from medical school says much about the worth of medical school – at least, if this man is an example of the results of such schooling. For he is either an imbecile – as defined in the pre-politically correct days as a person having a very low IQ and poor cognitive function – or he is evil.