July 29, 2022

fromBrownstoneInstitute: "It had a loud part and a quiet part. The loud part talked about washing hands and staying home from work. The quiet part was in very small print on the bottom of page two."

fromQuillette: Addiction is defined as using a substance or engaging in behaviors in a compulsive manner despite harmful consequences. Opioid and alcohol addiction are classic examples. Over the years, the definition of addiction has expanded to include activities such as shopping and golf. But when one thinks about it, we all have compulsive behaviors that border on the harmful.

fromOrganicPrepper: If governments around the world are trying to make farming financially impossible, what do they expect us to eat instead? Insects.

fromTheFIRE: When Washington Post reporter David Weigel retweeted a joke in early June, he probably didn’t expect to be suspended without pay for a month, or for it to lead to a newsroom blowup culminating in another reporter’s firing and a very public black eye for the Post.

fromTwitchy: You know who builds blacklists? Authoritarians. And here’s the thing, you don’t have to be a fan of Putin’s to realize what Zelensky is doing here by ‘blacklisting’ people is effed up, especially when it’s people like Tulsi Gabbard, Rand Paul, and Glenn Greenwald. Glenn is none-too-pleased with being put on the list.

fromPostMillennial: "More sharing can reduce ownership of idle equipment and thus material usage."