July 30, 2022

fromReason: And it also won't help us recover from the recession we're definitely not in.

fromTheFederalist: The FBI keeps interfering in presidential elections. Time to disband it.

fromWashingtonTimes: Over the last 30 years, alarmists have routinely claimed that climate change is making natural disasters including hurricanes, floods and heatwaves more frequent. The data, however, show that the number of climate-related disasters worldwide has actually declined slightly over the last 20 years.

fromAmericanGreatness: Rather than face disapproving comments from gay activists, public health experts, the media, and politicians preferred to let a deadly disease become an epidemic.

fromCaitlinJohnstone: Hawks always say our geopolitical situation resembles that of 1938 so that any call for de-escalation, diplomacy or detente can be portrayed as "appeasement."

fromTheDailyBell: As if not unpopular enough, the Biden administration has announced plans to double down on the unwinnable drug war. This time, the alphabet boys are coming for the vapes.