Showing posts with label Elizabeth Warren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elizabeth Warren. Show all posts

April 8, 2020

The Covid-19 "lockdowns" are what twenty-first-century mob rule looks like

fromMises: The "solution" favored by these government employees is clear: more lockdowns, more business closures, harsher punishments for violators.
The Government is Not Us

How the CDC and the FDA wrecked the economy

fromCreators: Lack of early and wide testing left politicians ignorant of basic facts about the Covid-19 epidemic.
Regulation Nation

Earth Day founder dies in prison after murdering and composting girlfriend

fromGatewayPundit: Ira had claimed that he founded Earth Day and certainly was popular with enviros. He lived the lifestyle by composting the woman he murdered.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Donald Trump takes aim at 'China-centric' World Health Organization; will consider cutting its funding

fromDailyMail: The president blamed WHO for helping China cover-up the initial coronavirus outbreak. 
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Walter E Williams: Manipulation through racial hoaxes

fromCreators: We black people are so convenient and useful to America's leftists. Whenever there's a bit of silencing to be done, just accuse a detractor or critic of racism.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

What did Sanders achieve?

fromNationalReview: He ended the candidacies of Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

January 21, 2020

Fiscal analysis of Colorado's 'red flag' law assumes gun confiscation orders will be granted 95% of the time

fromReason: Such a high approval rate reflects the threat these laws pose to due process and the Second Amendment.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Tulsi Gabbard endorses legalizing drugs

fromForbes: The Democratic candidate joins Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, Carl Sagan, William F. Buckley and others in their understanding that the war on drugs is a war on you.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Virginia gun sales soar as Dems consider draconian "assault weapons" ban

fromZeroHedge: Ever since Virginia's Democrats retook the state assembly and Senate in November, Democratic Gov. Ralph "blackface" Northam and the legislature have been gearing up to pass a draconian gun control bill.
2nd Amendment Assaults

California energy policies are fueling the housing crisis and homelessness

fromWattsUpWithThat: Prices for electricity in California are already fifty percent higher than the national average for residents, and double the national average for commercial, and are projected to go even higher. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus the Free Market                 Regulation Nation

Senators propose limits on police use of facial recognition

fromReason: Some privacy activists say the bill still falls short.
Police State America          Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Warren and Sanders and the wealth tax folly

fromCreators: You don't need to be the sort of person whose weeping could fill a mug to have strong doubts about a wealth tax. It has scant support among economists on either the right or the left.