Showing posts with label MediCare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MediCare. Show all posts

Jeffrey A Singer: The Coming Medical Ethics Crisis

The medical profession and your health put at risk. For the past several years, the medical profession has been undergoing a disturbing transformation. The process was begun by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in an effort to control exploding Medicare costs, and was accelerated by the passage of the Patient Protection and    ... MORE

Michael Hurd: The Productive And The Unproductive

There are only two classes in a free society.   Mitt Romney claims that his tax cuts will stimulate the economy and pay off the deficit. If history is any guide, this won’t be true. Ronald Reagan cut taxes in the 1980s. For a time, the economy improved and the government gained more revenue. Congress spent that money and expanded the deficit. George W. Bush ... MORE

John Stossel: Never Trust Government Numbers

Big government rides on the wheels of deception.    President Obama said in his State of the Union speech, "We've already agreed to more than $2 trillion in cuts and saving." That was reassuring. The new budget he released this week promises $4 trillion in "deficit reduction" — about half in tax increases and half in spending cuts. But like most politicians   ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Economic Chaos Ahead

Let's think about the kind of mess that we're in.    Federal 2010 Medicare and Medicaid expenditures totaled $800 billion. The projected annual growth of both programs is about 7 percent. Social Security expenditures are more than $700 billion a year. According to the 2009 Social Security and Medicare trustees reports, by 2030, 49 percent of federal revenue will  ... MORE

David Harsanyi: Santorum Is A Big Government Republican

An earmark enthusiast throughout his career.  Rick Santorum, like most Republican candidates, fashions himself the one true conservative running in 2012. If the thought of big, intrusive liberal government offends you, he might just be your man. And if you favor a big, intrusive Republican government, he's unquestionably your candidate. People are taking ... MORE

Walter E Williams: The Camel's Nose In The Tent

Gullible Americans keep believing the political lies.    National Transportation Safety Board Chairwoman Deborah Hersman has called for states to mandate a total ban on cellphone usage while driving. She has also encouraged electronics manufacturers — via recommendations to the CTIA-The Wireless Association and the Consumer Electronics Association .. MORE

VIDEO: Beck's Enlightening Interview With Newt Gingrich 2

Newt Gingrich argues for government healthcare and green policies.

Doug Bandow: Time To Gut, Not Cut, The Federal Gov't

The solution is simple, just not easy.    Washington’s vaunted debt reduction supercommittee has failed.  The dozen members were unable to agree on a package of deficit reduction measures which would only have slowed the fast rising tide of federal red ink.  It will probably take the Second Coming before legislators voluntarily halt the wild taxpayer-paid party on the ... MORE

Mark Steyn: The Supercommittee Is A Joke

Finding savings by ... adding to deficit? Have you been following this so-called supercommittee? They're the new superhero group of superfriends from the super-Congress who are going to save America from plummeting over the cliff and into the multitrillion-dollar abyss. There's Spender Woman (Patty Murray), Incumbent Boy (Max Baucus), Kept Man (John Kerry) and many other  ... MORE

Spooky: U.S. Debt To Surpass GDP On Halloween

from the Daily Caller. As children across America costume themselves as ghouls, ghosts, goblins and former North African dictators Monday night, they may have missed the most spine-chilling scare of the day. According to calculations based on the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook, on All Hallows’ Eve the United States’ total debt will surpass ... MORE

The Entitlement State Is Morally Bankrupt

by Yaron Brook and Don Watson. After Rick Perry called Social Security a Ponzi scheme, pundits everywhere smugly assured the world that Perry is crazy because, after all, the government can never really go bankrupt: it can always print money to pay its debts. Of course, that’s hardly a comfort to those who know what hyperinflation can do to an economy. In any case ... MORE

Richard Ralston: Feds Want You To Rat Out Your Doc

Why would the government want everyone to inform on everybody? Must the government criminalize medical care in order to control it? It looks like we are about to find out. There was a bit of an uproar recently when the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced, then withdrew, a plan to hire your fellow ... MORE

Five Myths About Social Security and Medicare

by Charles Blahous. The national discussion on entitlement programs is dazed and confused. The federal government’s largest two programs, Social Security and Medicare, are at the center of a vibrant national debate over our fiscal future. Each program faces a significant financial shortfall, the solution to which remains elusive. The following are five myths that have been ... MORE

Breaking Down How Government Spends Your Money

by John Sides. The notion that Americans should get a "tax receipt" has gotten a lot of attention. Third Way has promoted the idea and developed an on-line calculator that actually provides one. The White House has a calculator too. The idea is that any American should be able to see where their tax money goes - what percent to Medicare, national defense, education, and so  ... MORE

Peter Suderman: Spend More, Save More

Medicare is on the path to bankruptcy. By 2024, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the seniors health program will be insolvent. It’s not just the program’s fiscal health that’s at stake either. In the long term, the program is the single biggest drive of the federal debt. Yet reforming the program remains a dicey proposition. During the ObamaCare debates, Republicans ... MORE