Showing posts with label gay rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gay rights. Show all posts

Gay Marriage Polls Foretell Marijuana Legalization

by Hunter Walker.  With the Supreme Court now at least considering a definitive statement in favor of gay marriage and support for marriage equality now practically a litmus test issue for Democratic politicians, Americans across the political spectrum are expressing surprise at how rapidly this once marginalized idea became something like a    ... MORE

Rick Moran: Libertarians On The Rise At CPAC

What about the social conservatives? This account by the Daily Beast's Michael Moynihan highlights the virtual libertarian takeover of CPAC this year and what it means for Rand Paul: When Rand Paul addresses those issues that divide libertarians and traditional conservatives-national security, the drug war, immigration, gay rights-he does so      ... MORE

Gavin Newsom: 'War On Drugs Is Abject Failure'

California Lieutenant Governor takes a stand. Citing the myriad politicians who have recently publicly declared their support for gay marriage, Newsom suggested it was time for leaders to "come out of the closet" on marijuana, too. "I am sick and tired of politicians saying one thing in private and saying another in public," he said. "It's time  ... MORE

John Stossel: Libertarian's Awkward Bedfellows

Limited government advocates are not morally suspect.    Last week, Conservative pundit Ann Coulter told me and a thousand young libertarians that we libertarians are puss- -- well, she used slang for a female body part. We were in Washington, D.C., at the Students for Liberty conference, taping my TV show, and she didn't like my questions  ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: How Gays And Women Get Their Own Way

Should strive toward equality, not social acceptance.   Gays can be leaders. Women can be leaders. Without realizing it, I think gays and women inadvertently work against their own objective of equality when they force private organizations to support gay and female leaders. As I wrote here, gays and women are already equal   ... MORE

John Stossel: Did Freedom Win?

Democrats won big last week.   So government will continue to grow. Individual freedom will yield. At least some people with records of supporting liberty were elected: Sen. Jeff Flake in Arizona and U.S. Reps. Justin Amash and Kerry Bentivolio in Michigan and Thomas Massie in Kentucky. Also, Washington and Colorado voted to allow any  ... MORE

More Years For Obama, More Tears For America

by Charles Hurt.   All that for nothing. It was the billion-dollar election that did not decide one single damned thing. Republicans control the House. Democrats control the Senate. And the White House remains in Democratic hands with absolutely no mandate whatsoever. Another four years with no hope of change. In this environment with this   ... MORE

Voter Initiatives Breathe New Life Into Federalism

by J.D. Tuccille. There's an important constitutional issue on ballots across the country next month, but it's not labeled by its name anywhere that it appears. That issue encompasses concerns traditionally considered both conservative and liberal, even if it is embraced oh-so-selectively by its newfound friends. That's right, federalism  ... MORE

Andrew B. Wilson: Sleepless In St. Louis

Entrepreneur/super-mom fears an Obama victory.     No one would mistake my sister Dodie -- a super-mom (sometimes tiger mom) and entrepreneur -- for a hand-wringing pessimist. Intrepid and resourceful, she always rises to the moment -- like the "unsinkable" Molly Brown in the musical about the Titanic. But now (even after the smack-down  ... MORE

Austin Hill: The Immorality Of Obamanomics

“I only care about the moral issues." If I’ve heard that phrase once, then I’ve heard it a few hundred times. It’s a common response among social conservatives during campaigns and election cycles. And this year, as Washington compromises our nation’s future with profligate spending and economic turmoil threatens nations abroad, we need to add to that ... MORE

Daniel Allott: The Hate Crimes Farce

The threshold for a hate crime continues to decline. Have you ever used a racial slur? You may have two answers to that question. There's your initial visceral response: No! Of course not! Never! But then there's the response you'd give if you were being a little more honest: maybe... once or twice. So, if you have, does it make you a racist? In the court of     ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: Gays, Females And Equals

Gays are not merely bodies desiring homosexual action. Women are not walking uteruses. Gays and women are dignified human beings with reason, spirit and individuality. The Constitution considers Americans with respect to our humanity and citizenship, not our sexuality. So when politicians and sexual minority activists lobby for gay and female   ... MORE

Jacob Sullum: Dharun Ravi's Hateless Hate Crime

Punished for his dead roommates's imagined feelings.    After Dharun Ravi was convicted of "bias intimidation" crimes that carry a penalty of up to 10 years in prison, many people wondered why he had rejected a plea deal that would have kept him out of jail. Ravi's lawyer explained that the 20-year-old defendant's parents "didn’t believe their son acted with  ... MORE

MSNBC.COM: 40,000 New Laws Go Into Effect in 2012

Politicians can never give enough orders.  About 40,000 state laws taking effect at the start of the new year will change rules about  getting abortions in New Hampshire, learning about gays and lesbians in California, getting jobs in Alabama and even driving golf carts in Georgia. Several federal rules change with the new year, too, including a Social Security ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: The Media And 'Bullying'

Advancing the agenda of those in vogue.  Back in the 1920s, the intelligentsia on both sides of the Atlantic were loudly protesting the execution of political radicals Sacco and Vanzetti, after what they claimed was an unfair trial. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote to his young leftist friend Harold Laski, pointing out that there were "a thousand-fold ... MORE