Showing posts with label gun control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun control. Show all posts

December 15, 2017

Government is the cause of—not the solution to—online censorship

from Reason: As people worry about the net neutrality vote, public officials threaten our rights to free speech.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Bogus wiretap charges brought against man who recorded cops costs NH taxpayers $275,000

from TechDirt: Even though courts have found use of wiretap statutes in this fashion unconstitutional, in the Live Free or Die state, the statute lives freely and dies even harder.
Police State America

Bill O'Reilly: Secret tape exists of woman offered $200K to file sexual harassment charges against Trump

from ZeroHedge: The tactic of shaming, a favorite of the political left, seems to be kicked up a notch.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

FCC votes to repeal net neutrality rules

from The Hill: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has voted to repeal its landmark net neutrality protections, capping off a months-long campaign by the agency’s Republicans to deregulate the broadband industry.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Scared Cops Are Scary

from Reason: The acquittal of the officer who killed Daniel Shaver illustrates a double standard in judging self-defense claims.
Police State America

California Brags It Will End Gun Violence With Sudden Enforcement Of 50-Year-Old Law

from DownTrend: Significant as an admission by the state that instead of enforcing existing laws, they have been passing gun control laws that only restrict the rights of law abiding people.
2nd Amendment Assaults

December 12, 2017

Shocking VIDEO of cop executing an unarmed man begging for his life

from FreeThoughtProject: Even more shocking was the cop's acquittal. Read more here: Arizona Cop Acquitted for Killing Man Crawling Down Hotel Hallway While Begging for His Life
Police State America   The Government is Not Us

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - PC Nitwittery 2017

from LibertyPen/YouTube: Consider this a progress report on the dumbing down of America. A look at the explosion of PC nitwittery taking place on college campuses.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Britain considers making whistling at women a HATE crime

from DownTrend: The Metropolitan Police today revealed it is speaking with other UK forces to assess whether it is worth cracking down on gender-based hate crimes after a pilot scheme was launched in the East Midlands last year.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Albany marijuana advocate suggests jury nullification

from WALB10: Georgia marijuana advocates are making a push to convince jurors not to convict people charged with minor drug crimes. Don't forget: Government exists to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (Declaration of Independence)
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process   The Pursuit of Happiness

20 of the Most Ridiculous Anti-Gun Moments of 2017

from BearingArms: Just when we thought things couldn’t get any crazier than the whirlwind year we had during the presidential election of 2016, we were served 2017.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Chief pathologist resigns to expose sheriff for falsifying autopsy reports to protect killer cops

from FreeThoughtProject: After resigning from his position as chief, an autopsy doctor is now calling out the sheriff for overriding his death investigations to protect officers.
Police State America   The Government is Not Us

November 17, 2017

Asset forfeiture gone wild: after pot raids, cops legally steal 7 houses

from High Times: Michigan cops seize the homes of seven medical marijuana patients. In practice, asset forfeiture (legalized theft) has become an irreplaceable (even though immoral) revenue stream for American law enforcement officers.
Police State America

Supreme Court abortion case could promote free speech by both sides

from USA Today: California idiocy goes to trial. Red states might have to stop requiring advice some consider propaganda. And pro or con, both sides could end up having to trust women more.
Indoctrination and Censorship   The Government is Not Us

The state of street-level surveillance

from EFF: EFF’s “Street-Level Surveillance” project shines light on the advanced surveillance technologies that law enforcement agencies routinely deploy in our communities.
Police State America   Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Tighter gun laws will leave libertarians better-armed than everybody else

from Reason: In a politically polarized America, gun control is destined to be obeyed primarily by its advocates.
2nd Amendment Assaults

California mandates send electricity prices skyrocketing, but Texas free market policies keeps prices low

from Fox News: In 2017, Californians paid almost double – 86 percent more – to keep the lights on and run manufacturing than did Texans.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Jury acquits ‘nice guy’ who admitted selling cannabis to a cop

from Leafly: The Declaration of Independence states that America exists to produce a government that will protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The pursuit of happiness implies self-determination so long as it does not intrude on the rights of others. Gambling, drugs and prostitution are all pursuits of happiness and should be nullified by a jury.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange   Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

November 14, 2017

The death of individualism in America

from Liberty Nation: Historically America has been characterized as a civil society which has always elevated individualism. That is, personal independence and self-reliance were seen as virtuous and fundamental to who we are as a people.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

The fragile generation

from Reason: Bad policy and paranoid parenting are making kids too safe to succeed.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Justice department bizarrely uses Madoff to defend taking people's stuff without convicting them first

from Reason: Twisted incentives? What are those? Rod Rosenstein doesn't seem to have heard of them.
Police State America

Three kinds of theft

from The Daily Bell: Taxation is theft. But I’ve seen some people defend taxes with typical arguments like, “It’s not theft because you get something for your money.” Perhaps the confusion lies in the fact that not all thieves act the same.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

The Boston Globe wants the government to confiscate your firearms

from DownTrend: The Boston Globe has had enough of this Constitutionally protected freedom and is actually calling on the government to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens.
2nd Amendment Assaults

The surveillance state: an inexorable march toward totalitarianism

from Zero Hedge: The Surveillance State has slowed down its rate of growth since Trump took office, however, it lies festering below the veneer of daily events, inexorably growing its tentacles and extending their reach.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

November 11, 2017

How to talk to your kids about guns

from Reason: Hint: It's the same way you should talk to them about kidnapping.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Police kick off program to warrantlessly test saliva to check for ‘drugged driving’

from The Free Thought Project: Civil liberties experts are up in arms over the police state rolling out a warrantless saliva testing program to test people for drugged driving. Warrantless searches are not-so-slowly being normalized.
Police State America      The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

VIDEO: Cop is caught planting drugs on black man

from CBS Los Angeles: So what was the motive? Were there vacancies at the jail or was this to set up a civil asset forfeiture? The public servant in question has no comment.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange   Police State America

Taxation is robbery

from Mises: Law and sophistry have covered up the true character of taxation. There cannot be a good tax nor a just one; every tax rests its case on compulsion.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

The great flu vaccine hoax: new evidence

from The Daily Sheeple: Apparently, the powers-that-be want everyone to take the seasonal flu vaccine out of loyalty and blind faith. Because actual science reveals the hoax.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Roy Moore story unraveling? One accuser worked for Hillary, another for Biden

from Zero Hedge: The evidence is piling up indicating the Washington Post is up to its old fake news tricks.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption   Media Bias on Parade

October 13, 2017

Scalias all the way down

from the Wall Street Journal: The primary value of Trump is revealed. While the press goes wild over tweets, Donald is remaking the federal judiciary.
Justice is a Result, Not a Process

Smart devices are snitching on owners and rewriting the criminal justice system

from Activist Post: A new type of court case is slowly but steadily emerging within the American legal system: alleged crimes being detected from data supplied by smart devices.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Is taking a knee protected speech?

from Creators: From the great Andrew Napolitiano. Some jurisdictions — such as California, the District of Columbia, New Jersey and New York — give more protection to employees for expressive conduct in the workplace than others do.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Bump stock ban retroactively criminalizes possession of legally acquired products

from Reason: Government looks to turn law-abiding gun owners into criminals as current owners of newly prohibited devices can now go to prison for keeping them.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Not-so-Great Britain to criminalize reading extremist content online

from StephenLendman: 15 years for illegal reading. Will Americans resist this final nail in the coffin of free speech?
Indoctrination and Censorship

If 'no one wants to take our guns,' stop saying the opposite

from Creators: A column by Larry Elder. he "common sense" goal of many "gun control activists" is not a ban on this or that feature but a ban on civilian ownership of guns.
2nd Amendment Assaults

October 4, 2017

Feds Give Americans the frog treatment

from Reason: A plan by the Department of Homeland Security to collect social media information on American citizens,
including their "handles" and even their search results.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

CNN continues to solidify its place atop the fake news dung heap

from American Spectator: 24/7 party politics disguised as news.
Media Bias on Parade

Studies confirm, free people are happier

from TheDailyBell: Even people who think that the government should be less involved in daily life are happier than
people who think society needs more rules.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

⭐️  The deep theory behind stifling speech

from The Savvy Street: A brilliant, but long, piece on how philosophy is responsible for the rise in political correctness and
how philosophy can also fix it.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Stop manipulating the worst shooting in U.S. history to support your political views

from LongRoom: Those eager to make this tragedy about gun control are going to run into a lot of factual difficulties,
not just political ones.
2nd Amendment Assaults

John Stossel: Disabled by Government

from Creators: After government nitwittery removes 20,000 university lectures from access, an entrepreneur comes
to the rescue.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

September 18, 2017

Should you tell the cops you have a gun?

from Reason: Some gun owners argue that disclosure is considerate and prudent, while others worry it will escalate a routine traffic stop into a tense, unpleasant, and possibly life-threatening encounter.
2nd Amendment Assaults

25 most commonly used recreational drugs in America

from St. Louis Post-Dispatch: The drugs Americans prefer most. Of course, all of them are either illegal or severely restricted and heavily taxed. Government reverence for the pursuit of happiness is not exactly that of the founders.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Irma watch: How likely are prohibitions on ‘price gouging’ to help the poor?

from The American Spectator: Some gun owners argue that disclosure is considerate and prudent, while others worry it will escalate a routine traffic stop into a tense, unpleasant, and possibly life-threatening encounter.
Economic Policy: Statism vs The Free Market

Gun rights top media poll

from The Daily Caller: Lost in the storm of hurricane coverage, a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll demonstrates Americans’ growing support for gun rights. 
2nd Amendment Assaults

John Stossel: The best part of the Constitution

from Reason: Stossel shares his thoughts about Constitution Day (September 17).
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Will Las Vegas be ‘Amsterdam on steroids’? Door opens for pot lounges

from NBC News: What happens in Vegas will still stay in Vegas — but perhaps no longer behind closed doors, at least when it comes to pot.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

September 7, 2017

National Guard Authorized to Seize Guns Ahead of Hurricane Irma

from The Daily Bell: Is this a testing ground to see what the U.S. National Guard can get away with?
2nd Amendment Assaults

Laws against 'gouging' are simplistic and wrong

from Reason: So-called price gouging helps send important signals to buyers and sellers. It is a necessary function to attract resources to where they are most needed.
Economic Policy - Statism vs The Free Market

Berkeley wimps out on free speech

from the NY Post: You really didn't think a leopard could change its spots, did you?
Indoctrination and censorship

CNN gets embarrassed again trying to tie Trump to Russia

from The New York Times:  CNN's elite reporting team has been exposed again. Story retracted.
Media Bias on Parade

Government barriers to private solutions hinder hurricane relief efforts

from Creators: "Raising prices of goods and services to the highest level the market will bear is not only what entrepreneurs do on a daily basis but also the mechanism that gives people access to a supply of goods they wouldn't otherwise have access to."
Economic Policy - Statism vs The Free Market

2nd Amendment Assaults

Latest Update: August 10, 2017
John Stossel: Regulating Guns
NRA scores two victories against California gun-control laws
Why California gun owners may be breaking the law on July 1
Bullet-proof posters to hide behind in case the "gun-free zone" sign isn't working
A resounding vote against Due Process and the Second Amendment
Thought police order psych exam for student who made anti-gun control video
VIDEO: This message could save your life! (30 seconds)

2nd Amendment Assaults

Latest Update: July 7, 2017
NRA scores two victories against California gun-control laws
Why California gun owners may be breaking the law on July 1
Bullet-proof posters to hide behind in case the "gun-free zone" sign isn't working
A resounding vote against Due Process and the Second Amendment
Thought police order psych exam for student who made anti-gun control video

Gun Control Politician Sent To Prison For Gun Trafficking

Hypocrisy taken to new level.      A federal judge sentenced former California state senator Leland Yee on Wednesday to five years in prison after he acknowledged in a plea deal that he accepted thousands of dollars in bribes and discussed helping an undercover FBI agent buy automatic weapons from the Philippines. Senior District Court Judge    ... MORE

Jackie Mason Says That If Michael Bloomberg Is Serious About Gun Control, He Should Disarm His 12 Bodyguards

by Awr Hawkins.   Comic Jackie Mason says that if Michael Bloomberg is serious about gun control, he should disarm the 12 bodyguards who hedge in his every move. Otherwise, Bloomberg is just a hypocrite benefiting from the safety of a wall of guns, while calling for Americans to forfeit the safety that guns could bring to them and their      ... MORE

Georgia Democrats Back ‘Assault Weapon’ Confiscation Bill

by Awr Hawkins.    On January 11, Democrats in Georgia’s state house introduced a bill that bans “assault weapons” and opens the door for the “seizure” of such weapons, along with accessories like “high capacity” magazines. According to the text of HB 731, the bill focuses on ” dangerous instrumentalities and practices” by prohibiting the    ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Isn't It Strange

More inconvenient truths.   There is a letter titled "Isn't It Strange?" making the rounds in email boxes. It asks questions to which our fellow Americans should know the answers, save for those caught up in modernity. It starts off asking, "Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber, his upbringing, his environment,  ... MORE

Lawsuit Challenges Obama’s Move To Restrict Gun Sales

by Natalie Johnson.     More abuse of executive action. A conservative lawyer and activist has filed the first federal court challenge to President Barack Obama’s executive actions to restrict firearm ownership, arguing that the president’s moves violate the Constitution. Larry Klayman, a former U.S. Justice Department lawyer who heads the       ... MORE

David Harsanyi: Obama's Legacy Is Executive Abuse

Governing without Congress.     Over the winter break, I finally got around to binge-watching Parks and Recreation. In case you missed the show's seven-year run, it's about a fascistic small-town councilwoman who believes it's a politician's job to impose her notions of morality, safety and decency on everyone, no matter what voters want or what      ... MORE