Showing posts with label journalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label journalism. Show all posts

Barry Farber: Are Media Finally Doing Their Job?

Poor Jay Carney. Do you remember how World War II started? Don’t tell me “Hitler invaded Poland.” You’ve got to do better than that. The Nazis had “Special Forces” who spoke fluent Polish. They put on Polish army uniforms, sneaked into Poland, then sneaked back into Germany and blew up a German radio station near the Polish border. Hitler   ... MORE

The Obama IRS Nightmare Is Just Getting Started

by Ed Rogers, Washington Post.   Your government, as currently administered by President Obama, doesn’t like the word “patriot.”  If you associate yourself with an organization using that word, you may be investigated and prosecuted. Under Obama, government employees think they are doing what their superiors want them to do when they  ... MORE

Gun Crime Has Plunged, But Americans Think It Is Up

Emily Alpert on a Pew Research study.   Gun crime has plunged in the United States since its peak in the middle of the 1990s, including gun killings, assaults, robberies and other crimes, two new studies of government data show. Yet few Americans are aware of the dramatic drop, and more than half believe gun crime has risen, according to a  ... MORE

Boston: The MSM's Exploded "Journalism"

by Edward Cline.   Over the years, I have watched via Internet video countless IED (Improvised Explosive Device) explosions detonated on American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. So, when I read the news of the Boston Marathon bombing of April 15th, and watched the videos of the incident, I was certain that it was a terrorist bombing that killed  ... MORE

Can Judges Overrule Free Speech When Criticized?

Conservatives, liberals and media advocates say no.  A group of free-speech advocates is rallying behind an Indiana inmate serving two years for his online rants against a judge who took away his child-custody rights during a divorce case. There’s no disputing that Daniel Brewington’s words were strong and angry -- found in hundreds of emails over ... MORE

Rasmussen Poll: 6% Rate News Media As Very Trustworthy

What are they thinking?        Most voters still get their news from television and consider the news reported by the media generally trustworthy. Fifty-six percent (56%) of Likely U.S. Voters say they get most of their news from TV, including 32% who get it from cable news networks and 24% who get it from traditional network news. A new        ... MORE

Media Fabricates Test To Demonize Pot And Driving

by Michael Suede.  Fox News Denver recently did a story on the effects of driving high on cannabis.  In the process of doing the story, they had people drive a video game simulator to test the effects of impairment. However, Fox rigged the driving simulator to force crashes so they could bias the story against cannabis users. One of the test participants  ... MORE

Top Underreported Story: The Expanding Police State

by Yael Chanoff.    People who get their information exclusively from mainstream media sources may be surprised at the lack of enthusiasm on the left for President Barack Obama in this crucial election. But that’s probably because they weren’t exposed to the full online furor sparked by Obama’s continuation of his predecessor’s overreaching approach ... MORE

VIDEO: Did Mitt Romney Violate The Constitution?

MSNBC political commentator asserts Mitt is getting our founding document wrong.

Arnold Ahlert: What Does A Police State Look Like?

On the future of progressivism.     So, what does a police state look like? A police state is place where massive amounts of government corruption and/or incompetence are covered up by an equally corrupt and/or incompetent media. It is a place where a film-maker’s first amendment rights are secondary to the sensibilities of murderous ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: News Versus Propaganda

Using deception to shape perception.  Since so many in the media cannot resist turning every tragedy into a political talking point, it was perhaps inevitable that (1) someone would try to link the shooting rampage at the Batman movie in Colorado to the Tea Party, and that (2) some would try to make it a reason to impose more gun control laws. Too    ... MORE

Michelle Malkin: Who Will Protect The Freedom To Blog?

A concerted threat to a fundamental right.   Free speech is under fire. Online thugs are targeting bloggers (mostly conservative, but not all) who have dared to expose a convicted bomber and perjuring vexatious litigant who is now enjoying a comfy life as a liberally subsidized social justice operative. Where do your elected representatives stand on   ... MORE

Investors.Com: ALEC And The Left's War On Free Speech

Journalists show their "free speech" colors. If you want an insight into today's left, look at its multifront war against the American Legislative Exchange Council for committing the grave sin of pushing free-market bills in state legislatures. At a recent meeting in Washington, Aniello Alioto of ProgressNow Colorado summed up the left-wing's campaign against  ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: A Censored Race War?

A one-way street called 'hate crimes.' When two white newspaper reporters for the Virginian-Pilot were driving through Norfolk, and were set upon and beaten by a mob of young blacks — beaten so badly that they had to take a week off from work — that might seem to have been news that should have been reported, at least by their own newspaper.   ... MORE