Showing posts with label lobbyist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lobbyist. Show all posts

Thomas Sowell: Kodak And The Post Office

Why government works so poorly.   The news that Eastman Kodak is preparing to file for bankruptcy, after being the leading photographic company in the world for more than a hundred years, truly marks the end of an era. The skills required to use the cameras and chemicals required by the photography of the mid-19th century were far beyond those of   ... MORE

Ron Ross: Why President Obama Is Painful To Watch

A political trip to the dentist. If someone looked at your face while watching President Obama make a speech or hold a press conference, I'll bet it would reflect pain and discomfort. Your facial expression might be described as a grimace. There are a number of reasons for that kind of reaction. It might not even matter whether you are liberal or conservative. There is much  ... MORE

VIDEO: Crony Capitalism To Trump Freedom Again

The best politicians money can buy are once again deployed to crush competition.