Showing posts with label masculinity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label masculinity. Show all posts

Jan 11, 2019

'Traditional masculinity' deemed harmful, could lead to sexual harassment, medical group says

fromBaltimoreSun: For the first time in its history, the American Psychological Association declares that so-called “traditional masculinity” not only is “harmful” but also could lead to homophobia and sexual harassment.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Major university sued for Orwellian, unconstitutional restrictions on free speech

fromWashingtonExaminer: Once-venerable institutions, committed to the pursuit of truth and the other eminent tenets are now thoroughly overrun by an upstart class of petty, would-be authoritarians.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Raising age to buy tobacco would be costly — to individual liberty

fromBaltimoreSun: If citizens are considered mature enough at 18 to make the most important decision we have in our country — the casting of the vote — then why do you think they are not mature enough to buy alcohol?
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle       Regulation Nation

Walter E Williams: Black education: A glimmer of hope

fromCreators: The most crucial input for a child's education cannot be provided by schools or politicians. 
Indoctrination and Censorship

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - Family Matters (4 min)

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: From Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tucker touches upon matters of family.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Woman’s march cancelled: participants had the wrong skin color

fromDailyBell: Too many uppity white women ruin the optics of what was supposed to be a diversity celebration.