Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts

Scott Holleran Movies: The Hunger Games

A LibertyPen movie recommendation.    In mythology, Diana was a huntress who set upon the woods with bow and arrows, precision in her aim and a desire to protect youth and life. Essentially, The Hunger Games, based on the book by Suzanne Collins and the third highest-grossing movie debut ever, is a version of Diana’s story. It is not fast and flashy. It is slow ... MORE

William Ward: The Unseen Message Of The Hunger Games

Sparking a thirst for liberty?    Though the liberal media and leftist Hollywood are wrapping themselves in The Hunger Games, the book series' pro-individualism, anti-socialist/communist/totalitarianism message has thus far eluded them -- but the legions of children reading the books are getting the message. When I learned that my teenage sons -- macho young lads ... MORE