Showing posts with label outsourcing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outsourcing. Show all posts

Sheldon Richman: Stop Complaining About Outsourcing

Sowing the seeds of a trade war.    When economic times are bad, animosity is directed at foreigners: “They’re taking our jobs!” So it’s unsurprising that the presidential campaigns feature charges and countercharges about outsourcing, the employment of foreign labor by American companies. This is a dangerous game because it sows   ... MORE

John Stossel: Myths We Live By

Why such faith in government? The Olympics have gone smoothly despite -- gasp! -- America's team wearing clothing made in China at the opening ceremony. "I'm so upset," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. "Take all the uniforms, put them in a big pile, and burn them. ... We have people in the textile industry who are desperate for jobs." Here   ... MORE

Harry Binswanger: Outsourcing Is America At Its Best

Why Obama and Romney are wrong on outsourcing.    Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are currently fighting over who is the more patriotic. Obama slams Romney for having outsourced jobs to China during his Bain Capital days. Romney punches back by labeling Obama “Outsourcer in Chief.” The latest is that both John Boehner and ... MORE

Michael Tanner: Romney's Chance To Embrace Outsourcing

He should point out the benefits of capitalism.   There is a story, perhaps apocryphal, that Milton Friedman was touring the Chinese countryside when he came upon a government project where workers were digging a canal. Friedman was surprised that instead of bulldozers and modern earth-moving equipment, the workers were    ... MORE