Showing posts with label public employees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label public employees. Show all posts

Chuck DeVore: Texas Vs. California

Why many go from the Golden State to the Lone Star State. One in five Americans calls California or Texas home. The two most populous states have a lot in common: a long coast, a sunny climate, a diverse population, plenty of oil in the ground, and Mexico to the south. Where they diverge is in their governance. For six years ending in 2010, I      ... MORE

Tom Elia: 277,500 Federal Jobs Added Just Since 2006!

Government's malignant growth revealed.  It is hard to fathom the enormity of the federal government. With an annual budget of almost $4 trillion, annual deficits of well over $1 trillion, outstanding debt of over $15 trillion, and unfunded future liabilities of well over $50 trillion, Washington has become by far the largest, most expensive organization ... MORE

Ron Ross: Why President Obama Is Painful To Watch

A political trip to the dentist. If someone looked at your face while watching President Obama make a speech or hold a press conference, I'll bet it would reflect pain and discomfort. Your facial expression might be described as a grimace. There are a number of reasons for that kind of reaction. It might not even matter whether you are liberal or conservative. There is much  ... MORE

Let The Sun Shine In On Public Pensions, Benefits

As debates heat up in states across the country over budget shortfalls, more and more focus is being placed upon the runaway growth in health and pension benefits for state and local government workers. These excessive benefits are a major factor behind the exploding costs of government in many states. It is time to bring these costs under control before they completely ... MORE

Kyle Olson: Dance of the Tenured Lemons

Teacher tenure is considered holy gospel in most of America’s public schools. But this policy does nothing for children, and tends to protect teachers who don’t necessarily deserve job security. Why is it we never hear stories about tenure protecting “good” teachers instead of helping “bad” ones? One bad teacher was former band instructor-turned convict Matt Lang, who is now sitting in an Illinois state penitentiary.  .... MORE

VIDEO: Government Union Collective Bargaining 101

VIDEO: John Stossel - A Right to Collective Bargaining

Thomas Sowell: Union Myths

The biggest myth about labor unions is that unions are for the workers
Unions are for unions, just as corporations are for corporations and politicians are for politicians. Nothing shows the utter cynicism of the unions and the politicians who do their bidding like the so-called "Employee Free Choice Act" that the Obama administration tried to push through Congress. Employees' free choice as to whether or not to join ... MORE

Star Parker: Union Power - Symptom Of What Ailes Us

Unionized government workers who have taken to the streets to protest moves in Wisconsin and Ohio to limit their power are doing us all a favor. How? Our great nation today is sick and badly in need of therapy. The screams and protests of these government union workers should help all Americans identify these public unions as a major symptom of the sickness that is dragging us down and what we need to do  ...  MORE

VIDEO: Andrew Napolitano - The Blind Spot and the Abyss

Michelle Malkin: Teachers Unions 101

If public school teachers spent more time teaching in classrooms and less time community-organizing in political war rooms, maybe taxpayers wouldn't feel as ripped off as they do. Before the Big Labor bosses start complaining about "teacher-bashing," let's be clear: An increasing number of rank-and-file teachers feel exactly the same way. Retired New York teacher Vinne Cusimano, who was required to pay forced ...  MORE

Walter E Williams: Public Employee Unions

With all of the union strife in Wisconsin, Indiana and New Jersey, and indications of more to come, it might be time to shed a bit of light on unions as an economic unit. First, let's get one important matter out of the way. I value freedom of association, and non-association, even in ways that are not always popular and often deemed despicable. I support a person's right to be a member or not be a member  ...   MORE

Robert Tracinski: Public Unions & The Socialist Eutopia

The Democratic lawmakers who have gone on the lam in Wisconsin and Indiana-and who knows where else next-are exhibiting a literal fight-or-flight response, the reaction of an animal facing a threat to its very existence. Why? Because it is a threat to their existence. The battle of Wisconsin is about the viability of the Democratic Party, and more: it is about the viability of the basic social ideal of the left.   ...   MORE

Steve Chapman: The Politicians Are The Real Problem

How public employees and taxpayers got scammed.
Public employees have been cramming the Wisconsin state Capitol to protest the governor's plan to cut their take-home pay and gut their collective bargaining rights. You can't blame them for objecting when the state reneges on a deal. But they should have been protesting years ago, when politicians and union leaders  ...  MORE