Showing posts with label stereotypes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stereotypes. Show all posts

Walter E Williams: Who's Responsible?

What do we make of Hillary's observation?    Hillary Clinton told a mixed audience, "I mean, if we're honest, for a lot of well-meaning, open-minded white people, the sight of a young black man in a hoodie still evokes a twinge of fear". Before we get into the nuts and bolts of that observation, I'd like to ask a question. Would well-meaning,      ... MORE

Stop Pretending To Be Offended By Everything

by David Hansanyi.  Lena Dunham received plenty of criticism for her insufferable New Yorker piece titled "Dog or Jewish Boyfriend? A Quiz." In it, the creator of Girls weighs the pros and cons of getting a pet or keeping her Jewish boyfriend: "He doesn't tip," and "he never brings his wallet anywhere," and so on. The jokes may tell us something about   ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Should Profiling Be Banned?

Upon further review.        Last week, the Obama administration announced new curbs on racial profiling by federal law enforcement. Before deciding whether this is good or bad policy, we might try to develop a description/definition of racial profiling or any other kind of profiling. A good definition of profiling in general is the use of   ... MORE

Janice Shaw Crouse: Sacrificing Boys To Promote Girls

Pop culture is producing male losers. Casual observation of popular culture reveals that boys and men increasingly are being portrayed negatively, in contrast to women, who invariably are seen as more competent, efficient, successful and in charge. Television and Hollywood movies are producing a tsunami of negative stereotypes depicting  ... MORE