Showing posts with label thinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thinking. Show all posts

Emily O'Neill: Public School Is Prison For Patriots

Public education teaches not to question authority.   When I was twelve, my mom took me out of public school and homeschooled me. I chose my own reading list and learned all I could about politics, law, and history. Eventually my mom didn’t have to call meetings at the kitchen table to check on my progress. I wanted to learn — and I wanted to arrive at my  ... MORE

Doug Hornig: What If You Could Put On A Thinking Cap?

Could a nine-volt battery be better than coffee?  "Flow." Although it can be annoying difficult to define with any precision and virtually impossible to measure objectively, everyone intuitively knows what it is, and most people have experienced some form of it at one time or another. It's that state of effortless concentration that leads to superior performance, either  ... MORE

VIDEO: The Left Screwed With The Wrong Guy

Andrew Breitbart accurately predicts his own legacy.

Walter E Williams: Math Mattters

Hard work and discipline pay dividends.   If one manages to graduate from high school without the rudiments of algebra, geometry and trigonometry, there are certain relatively high-paying careers probably off-limits for life -- such as careers in architecture, chemistry, medicine computer programming, engineering and certain technical fields.    ... MORE

Kathleen Parker: Our Unprepared Graduates

College students have been shortchanged. Jobs, jobs, jobs, we keep hearing. But for whom, whom, whom? Certainly not for the many young Americans being graduated from colleges that have prepared them inadequately for the competitive marketplace. The failure of colleges and universities to teach basic skills, while coddling them with plush dorms and self-  ... MORE