Showing posts with label war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war. Show all posts

American Soldiers Did Not Die Defending Our Freedom

by Jacob Hornberger.     An indoctrination proclamation. I was at the Washington Nationals baseball game last week. Whenever I attend a Nats game, there is an air of militarism surrounding the game, but attending on Memorial Day helps to remind us what a truly militarized society America has become. After all, what in the world does baseball, a quite    ... MORE

Remembering Our Ultimate Defenders Of Freedom

by Rob Woodall.      It was President James A. Garfield who said, “For love of country they accepted death,” and in that brief sentence we find a simple, solemn truth. It’s a truth for which we set aside a special day each year to pay tribute to the sacrifice of so many. Their sacrifice is a gift for which we are grateful, and on Memorial Day we pause to    ... MORE

Paul Bonneau: Evil Rationalizations For Good People

Why is it that evil proliferates?     What mechanism keeps it going? Who is to blame? Why are there so many wars and occupations? Why such huge amounts of theft (“taxes”, fines, fees and “civil forfeiture”)? Why are so many nonviolent people in jail? What keeps the “War on Some Drugs” going? Why does the police state expand and expand?  ... MORE

Let's End Congress's Blanket Authorization Of Force

by Gene Healy.     It may sound hard to believe, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., isn't always wrong–at least when he states the obvious: "9/11 is a long time ago," he said Wednesday, "and it's something that needs to be looked at again." The "it" is the post-9/11 Authorization for Use of Military Force resolution, or AUMF, adopted three days  ... MORE

Matthew Fenney: Rand Paul Is Making War Hawks Nervous

At odds with the GOP, in accord with Americans.     GOP hawks are reportedly nervous about the potential level of support Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) could enjoy if he decides to run for president in 2016. On Monday Zeke J. Miller wrote in TIME about how several prominent Republican donors at the Republican Jewish Coalition suggested  ... MORE

Steve Chapman: Our Wasted Effort In Afghanistan

What the world's only superpower cannot fix.     The United States government and the Taliban don't agree on much, but they have found one point of convergence: Both think someone needs to get a hose and put out the flames engulfing Hamid Karzai's pants. The Afghan president has often criticized the Americans for carrying out     ... MORE

Obama Shamelessly Exploits Wounded Vets In Big Speech

by Nick Gillespie.     The most emotionally powerful moment in Barack Obama’s State of the Union address was also its most morally dubious. The nation’s commander in chief drew attention to a wounded warrior while eliding any responsibility for placing the young man in harm’s way. A record number of Americans – 60 percent – think the government  ... MORE

VIDEO: Ron Paul On The American Civil War

Do we owe a debt of gratitude to Abe Lincoln?

John Stossel: Make Trade, Not War

Cooperation can achieve what force cannot.        What's up with so many Democrats wanting missile strikes on Syria, while Republicans balk? I'm told Republicans are the war party. Is this just hypocrisy? Politicians change their position on military intervention when their own party controls the White House? Historian Thaddeus Russell says   ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - Progressives And War

Katie Kieffer: Burping John Kerry

John Kerry burped. Excuse him.        That’s how he does foreign policy. Don a burping pad before asking him questions; you never know whether he will spit out war or peace. Last Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry held a press conference. CBS reporter Margaret Brennan asked Kerry how Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could avoid a U.S. air  ... MORE

Obama Doctrine: He Could Attack Over Climate Change

by Ernest Istook.      The emerging Obama Doctrine justifies attacking nations that violate “international norms,” as judged solely by the president.  Based on statements by President Obama and key players, he could even launch attacks against those he blames for global climate change. Polluters and deniers beware: You may have to face our  ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: The President's Embarrassment

Figleaf justifying war falls to the ground.      When Secretary of State John Kerry, apparently irritated by a lack of sleep, gave a snippy and what he thought was an unrealistic reply to a reporter's question at a London press conference last weekend, he hardly could have imagined the world's response. Asked whether there is anything Syrian   ... MORE

John Stossel: Road To Damascus

Defense should not mean offense.     Some things you just have to do, in spite of great uncertainty. Launching missiles at Syria isn't one of them. Many pundits talk about going to war as if all we have to do is make up our minds about what "ought" to happen — who the bad guys are — and the rest is just details. If we decide we must punish a tyrant,    ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Syria And Obama

Glib words and weak actions.      I cannot see why even a single American, a single Israeli or a single Syrian civilian should be killed as a result of a token U.S. military action, undertaken simply to spare Barack Obama the embarrassment of doing nothing, after his ill-advised public ultimatum to the Syrian government to not use chemical      ... MORE

VIDEO: Obama's Foreign Policy Approval Plummets

Americans oppose unilateral Syria intervention. 

Carl Svanberg: U.S. Should Not Intervene In Syria

It makes no difference to victims what weapon is used.    On August 21, Syria crossed the line by allegedly using chemical weapons against its own people. Obama has, therefore, decided that it’s time for the US to punish Syria. Assuming he gets Congress on his side, the US will once more be dragged into another senseless war in the Middle    ... MORE