Walter E Williams: Democracy Versus Liberty

It is truly disgusting for me to hear politicians, national and international talking heads and pseudo-academics praising the Middle East stirrings as democracy movements. We also hear democracy as the description of our own political system. Like the founders of our nation, I find democracy and majority rule a contemptible form of government.  You say, "Whoa, Williams, you really have to explain yourself this time!" ... MORE

Michael Pento: Geithner's Failed Makeover

The plan does not address the Fed's role in making interest rates arbitrarily low.
To counter the increasing demands that government reduce its micromanagement of the economy, last week the Obama Administration offered a fig leaf in the form of a white paper entitled "Reforming America's Housing Finance Market." In addition to marking the official end of the Bush era "ownership society," ...  MORE

VIDEO: Walter E Williams - Ownership and Preservation

Steve Chapman: Police Cameras and Crime

Can a surveillance state make us safer?
If you want to be on TV, don't go to Los Angeles or New York. Come to Chicago, where your wish is certain to be fulfilled. In fact, you couldn't avoid it if you wanted to, thanks to the nation's most extensive network of police surveillance cameras. Anytime you walk out your door, you may find an audience.  ... MORE

VIDEO: Ayn Rand - In Defense of Capitalism

Ayn Rand explains the necessity of capitalism to a free society.

VIDEO: Milton Friedman - Poverty and Equality

S. Fred Singer - The Sad State Of The State Of California

Many must be wondering whether the state of California is beyond repair.
This is particularly true after the November 2010 elections when its citizens voted for the same politicians that have brought them the same failed policies.  As deficits mount and taxes increase, productive people and enterprises are leaving California for more hospitable states.  Inevitably, there will be a tipping point when ...  MORE

David Harsanyi: An Assault On Taxpayers

The more we grow the government's education monopoly, the worse it will get.
When Dan Nerad, the superintendent of schools in Madison, Wis., was informed that 40 percent of the teachers union was calling in sick this week (evidently, something's going around), he shut down the entire operation. "At this ratio," he explained, "we have serious concerns about our ability to maintain safe and secure school environments." ...  MORE

VIDEO: Obama's Valentine: A $1.65 Trillion Deficit

FCC Commish For Government Intervention in Journalism

Success of FOX News pits government official against First Amendment.
Federal Communications Commissioner  Michael  Copps decried the decline of “real journalism” and called for the government to intervene during a speech to the FCBA on Tuesday. According to The Hill, Copps told the audience that he was disappointed in the commission’s inability to act. Copps went on to say that the decline  ...  MORE

Tom Bowden: 1 in 4 Americans Needs Permission To Work

In a fascinating article, the Wall Street Journal reports that the percentage of workers who need a state license to do their jobs is growing steadily. That percentage was 5% in the 1950s. In 2008, it was 23%. Think about it: one of every four workers is not permitted to work without begging permission from a bureaucrat. While I don’t agree with the article’s assumption that licensure is an acceptable government activity ...  MORE