Kyle Olson: Dance of the Tenured Lemons

Teacher tenure is considered holy gospel in most of America’s public schools. But this policy does nothing for children, and tends to protect teachers who don’t necessarily deserve job security. Why is it we never hear stories about tenure protecting “good” teachers instead of helping “bad” ones? One bad teacher was former band instructor-turned convict Matt Lang, who is now sitting in an Illinois state penitentiary.  .... MORE

Obama Energy Policy: More Change Than Hope

Gas prices are up 67 percent since Obama became president.
Ah, January of 2009. Hope was in the air, but more importantly, gas was under two dollars a gallon. Since then gas prices, have gone up 67 percent and it's an ominously upward trend. Interestingly enough, the Heritage Foundation also took a look at the first 26 months of Bush's presidency -- gas only rose 7 percent during that time frame.  ... MORE

VIDEO: Ayn Rand - Collectivized Rights

Individual rights are protected by the Constitution. But what about collectivized rights?

Handouts Make Up One Third Of U.S. Wages

Government payouts—including Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance—make up more than a third of total wages and salaries of the U.S. population, a record figure that will only increase if action isn’t taken before the majority of Baby Boomers enter retirement. Even as the economy has recovered ... MORE

VIDEO: Government Union Collective Bargaining 101

Victor Davis Hanson: Postpone & Procrastinate Generation

The Obama administration figures that it has read the national mood well. This therapeutic generation of Americans loves to talk and worry about problems and then assumes that either someone else will solve them or they will go away on their own. And why not, since we have had periodic "energy crises" since 1974, have run budget deficits in most years since World War II, and have been warned about a looming  ...  MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - A Right to Collective Bargaining

Jacob Sullum: Tiny Cuts, Big Complaints

Republicans and Democrats squabble over crumbs.
In the context of federal spending that will total something like $3.8 trillion this year, $61 billion is a rounding error. Yet the Democrats resisting that amount in House-approved cuts say it will wreck the economy while leaving children unschooled, taking food from ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Union Myths

The biggest myth about labor unions is that unions are for the workers
Unions are for unions, just as corporations are for corporations and politicians are for politicians. Nothing shows the utter cynicism of the unions and the politicians who do their bidding like the so-called "Employee Free Choice Act" that the Obama administration tried to push through Congress. Employees' free choice as to whether or not to join ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Handouts, Morality and Common Sense

Whether Americans realize it or not, the last decade's path of congressional spending is unsustainable. Spending must be reined in, but what spending should be cut? The Republican majority in the House of Representatives fear being booted out of office and are understandably timid. Their rule for whom to cut appears to be: Look around to see who are the politically weak handout recipients.  ...  MORE

VIDEO: ReasonTV - Are We Broke Yet?

Shikha Dalmia: Global Warming By Another Name

Obama's clean energy boondoggle will be expensive for America.           President Barack Obama uttered not a peep about global warming in his State of Union this year. No dire warnings about climate apocalypse. No calls for cap-and-trade. Has this cold winter convinced him to put his global warming agenda on ice? Hardly. Indeed, even in this age of deficits and debt, the president’s budget is chock full of ... MORE

Star Parker: Union Power - Symptom Of What Ailes Us

Unionized government workers who have taken to the streets to protest moves in Wisconsin and Ohio to limit their power are doing us all a favor. How? Our great nation today is sick and badly in need of therapy. The screams and protests of these government union workers should help all Americans identify these public unions as a major symptom of the sickness that is dragging us down and what we need to do  ...  MORE

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - What Are They Buying?

Sowell explains the real reason why politicians have spent tax dollars like drunken sailors.