John Stossel: Watching the Watchmen

I believe in the right to privacy. Yet I can think of someone who deserves very little privacy — a policeman making an arrest. Unfortunately, in some states it's a crime to make a video of a policeman doing just that. People recording police have been threatened, detained or arrested. Some were jailed overnight. That's wrong. Police work for the public, they're paid with tax money,  ... MORE

Steve Chapman: Posturing Against Pornography

The government should stop trying to censor the internet. We all know that pornography is offensive and destructive, so we can guess that wherever X-rated fare gains popularity, social decay will follow. It may come as a surprise, then, to learn which state has the highest rate of online subscriptions to adult websites. Not New York or California, but Utah. Yes, Utah.    ... MORE

VIDEO: Chicken Little's 5 Greatest Misses

Thomas Sowell: Bull About Bullying

There is a lot of talk from many people about bullying in school. The problem is that it is all talk. There is no sign that anybody is going to do anything that is likely to reduce bullying. When politicians want to do nothing, and yet look like they are doing something, they appoint a blue ribbon committee or go to the U.N. or assign some Cabinet member to look into the problem and report ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Academic Rot

The hate-America course of higher education. The average American, as parent, student and taxpayer, has little idea of the academic rot at so many of our colleges. Save for a tiny handful of the nation's colleges, what distinguishes one college from another is the magnitude of that rot. One of the best sources of information about our colleges is the New York City-based ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - A War On Ourselves

A look at one way government uses social concerns to combat individual liberty.

Why School Vouchers Are Worth A Shot

by Katrina Trinko. Imagine if we only passed legislation that simultaneously slashed spending, boosted income equality, shrunk government, protected the environment, and ensured that pandas didn’t go extinct. That’d be a recipe for do-nothing lawmakers who failed to solve any of our pressing problems, just because they couldn’t find a  ... MORE

VIDEO: Ethan Nadelmann on Future Drug Legalization

Hope and Change, But Not In That Order

by Jim Yardley. Those were the days, weren't they? The airwaves, the internet, billboards all touting a little known Senator's mantra of "Hope and Change." It was enough to send a tingle up your leg, or at least start you obsessing over creases in a presidential candidate's trousers. Obama's political handlers created an absolutely marvelous slogan. Sadly, it was also  ... MORE

The War On Cold & Allergy Drugs

by Debra Saunders. You know the war on drugs has gone too far when politicians keep ratcheting up restrictions on cold and allergy medications in order to prevent kitchen drug labs from buying pills and converting them into methamphetamine. In 2005, Congress passed a law requiring consumers to show a driver's license or other ID in order to purchase Sudafed and ... MORE

A. Barton Hinkle: The Roots Of Racism

Will we ever get beyond the notion of racial identify? From time to time a bit of news crosses the desk that makes the mind reel, the jaw drop, the head shake. So it was the other day when Public Policy Polling, a reputable albeit partisan firm, reported that 46 percent of Republicans in Mississippi think interracial marriage should be against the law. The poll was taken in late March— ... MORE

VIDEO: Ayn Rand - Conservative Sellout of Capitalism

Check your premises!

Abolish The Department of Education

by Frank Ryan. Cosmetic budget cuts will not solve our nation's debt woes. Real change is required to right our country. Waste must be identified, isolated, and eliminated. One such change is to abolish the U. S. Department of Education. The Department of Education was established to promote "student achievement and prepare them for the global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and  ... MORE

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Words vs Realities

Professor Sowell explains some of the blue smoke and mirrors used in the healthcare debate.