Charles Krauthammer: Who Takes Us To War?

Is the Libya war legal? Under the 1973 War Powers Resolution, it is not. President Obama has exceeded the 90-day period to receive retroactive authorization from Congress. But things are not so simple. No president should accept — and no president from Nixon on has accepted — the constitutionality of the WPR, passed unilaterally by Congress over a presidential veto.     ... MORE

Feds Crack Down On Campus Flirting & Sex Jokes

by Michael Barone. All of which means that just about any student can be hauled before a disciplinary committee. Jokes about sex will almost always make someone uncomfortable, after all, and usually you can't be sure if flirting will be welcome except after the fact. And how do you define "elevator eyes"? Given the prevailing attitudes among faculty and university administrators, it's not ... MORE

VIDEO: Ayn Rand - Money and Morality

John Stossel: Who Is Gary Johnson?

What the libertarian Republican brings to the race. Someone was missing from last week's Republican presidential debate, and that's too bad. He's an announced candidate who was a two-term governor of New Mexico, and he makes a case for strongly limited government. Who is he? Gary Johnson. He was left off the platform because the sponsors say he didn't meet their criteria:   ... MORE

Steven Pelerin: Atlas Is Shrugging In The U.S.

... and flexing his muscles elsewhere.  Ayn Rand was mostly correct when she wrote her magnum opus "Atlas Shrugged." She was incorrect in one important area. She assumed the final option for the wealthy and entrepreneurial class was to go on "strike" and retire to Galt's Gulch. In the modern world the movers and shakers don't strike, they migrate ... MORE

VIDEO: Four Decades Of Drug War Futility

On June 17, 1971 President Richard Nixon launched the modern-day drug war.

Steve Chapman: Another Texas Republican For President

The Republican presidential field looks less like an assemblage of candidates than a collection of fatal mistakes and irreparable flaws, with occasional embodiments of one or more of the Seven Deadly Sins. Mitt Romney? A flip-flopper who inspired ObamaCare. Tim Pawlenty? A too-bashful critic of Romneycare, with a sleepy persona. Newt Gingrich? Serial adultery and terminal hubris.   ... MORE

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

by Harvey Silverglate. The Soviet Union enacted an infamous law in 1922 that criminalized “hooliganism.” The crime was in the eye of the beholder, the beholder of consequence being the Soviet secret police. Because it was impossible for dissidents to know in advance whether they were violating this prohibition, they were always subject to arrest and imprisonment, ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - The State Against Blacks

Walter E. Williams joins John to discuss government "poverty measures."

Rob Natelson: A Victory For The Tenth Amendment

Two years ago, I posted an item on the Tenth Amendment Center website entitled, “It’s the People’s Right.” My point was that federalism was not created primarily for the benefit of the states or state officials, but for the protection of individual liberty. I didn’t invent this argument—many others have recognized that it is the better reading of the ratification-era ... MORE

"Our Children And Grandchildren Will Never Forgive Us"

by Marco Rubio.  Last week, President Obama touched down in Miami to raise money for his reelection campaign, just a year after his administration kicked off its “Recovery Summer” campaign to celebrate the failed trillion-dollar stimulus spending bill. Today, Florida struggles with a 10.6 percent unemployment rate, far higher than the national average of 9.1 ... MORE