Gene Healy: Beware The Depends Bomber

The TSA's latest ritual humiliation of an innocent traveler. On June 18, officers of the Transportation Security Administration forced a wheelchair-bound, 95-year-old leukemia patient to remove her adult diaper, lest it contain a bomb. As always when the TSA commits some new atrocity—like last April's "freedom fondle" of a 6-year-old girl—a designated bureaucratic  ... MORE

VIDEO: The 6 Groups Who Benefit From Drug Prohibition

Previews Of Coming Health Care Attractions

Shoddy Swedish health care is headed our way. Sweden's socialized healthcare is sometimes used as an example that America should follow. It proves that you can get good care for everybody. Does it? In the Swedish media there has been one report after another of people not getting any healthcare at all. In fact, they do not even get an ambulance.   ... MORE