A. Barton Hinkle: Is The Tea Party Crazy Or Just Nuts?

The media demonizes advocates of limited government. The late Sen. Paul Wellstone of Minnesota was a man of the hard left—"the Senate's most liberal member," as Mickey Kaus once termed him in the liberal online journal Slate. Wellstone opposed the first Iraq War—and the second one. He was no friend of the Second Amendment—or the First. He thought the ... MORE 

VIDEO: John Stossel - Green Road To Serfdom

Alex Epstein: Nuclear Power Is Extremely Safe

That's the truth about what we learned from Japan. In the midst of a still struggling and fragile global economy, Germany has announced that it will shut down seven nuclear plants by the end of the year--which means that Germans will be left to run their factories, heat their homes, and power their economy with 10% less electrical generating capacity. Nine more plants   ... MORE