John Stossel: A Government That Kills

More dangerous cars have been mandated.  President Obama has declared that auto companies' fleets must average 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, almost double the current 27.5. Standing at his side when he made the announcement were executives from the Big Three automakers. The New York Times reported: "It is an extraordinary shift in the relationship     ... MORE

VIDEO: California Politicians vs Gun Rights

How Fear, not fact, informs the gun rights debate.

Ira Stoll: Obama Gets A Blank Check For An Endless War

Where is the press? Where are the protests? The Obama administration is on pace to have more American soldiers killed in casualties related to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan than the George W. Bush administration did in its first term. Already, hundreds more American troops have been killed in Afghanistan during the less than three years of the Obama administration than during ... MORE

W. James Antle, III: Downgrading The Constitution

The downgrade that began the crisis.   Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner dinged Standard & Poor's for "terrible judgment" in downgrading the federal government's credit rating. Less genteel liberals offered less flattering assesments. "[I]t's hard to think of anyone less qualified to pass judgment on America than the rating agencies," opined Paul Krugman. "The people  ... MORE

Peter Ferrara: Obama Downgraded, Tea Party Vindicated

Only the national debt was stimulated. President Obama achieved the historic downgrading of America's credit rating the old-fashioned way. He earned it. He came into office with federal spending already near an historic peak, with a percent of GDP at 20.7 percent and having increased by one-seventh during the Bush years. One year earlier Bush had joined with then House Speaker ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - New Road To Serfdom

Ryan Young & Jacqueline Otto: The Big Repeal

In 1787, there were four federal crimes. Now there are over 4,000. The Code of Federal Regulations runs over 157,000 pages. America is overlawyered and overregulated, and the economy is suffering for it. Congressmen from both parties recognize this. But reform eludes them. It isn't necessarily their fault. Congress's institutional structure is geared   ... MORE

C. J. Ciaramella: Citizens Under The Microscope

TSA rolling out new "behavior detection officers." Passengers flying through Boston’s Logan International Airport will notice the security screeners are chattier than usual, but it’s not an improved customer service policy. On Tuesday the Transportation Security Administration began a test-run at Logan of its SPOT program, which stands for Screening of Passengers by Observation  ... MORE

Warren Meyer: Why So Many Licenses?

2011 Milton Friedman Legacy for Freedom Essay. Milton Friedman was always a more-than-able educator about the dangers and internal contradictions of socialism. But he also recognized another danger to capitalism and freedom, from the most -- rather than least -- successful corners of the economy. He said: "With some notable exceptions, businessmen favor free enterprise in general but are opposed to it when it comes to     ... MORE 

THE DAILY CALLER: The Great $50 Billion Flub

Obamacare cost estimates hide up to $50 billion per year.  Federal payments required by President Barack Obama’s health care law are being understated by as much as $50 billion per year because official budget forecasts ignore the cost of insuring many employees’ spouses and children, according to a new analysis. The result could cost the U.S. Treasury hundreds of   ... MORE

VIDEO: Nanny Of The Month Winner For July 2011

Busybodies minding YOUR own business.

Walter E Williams: Ignorance, Stupidity or Connivance?

The high cost of fueling envy and resentment. President Barack Obama has called for a luxury tax on corporate jets as a means to generate revenue to fight federal deficits. The president's economic advisers ought to be fired for not telling him that doing so is unwise and counterproductive. They might have already told him so, only to have the president say, "Look, I know you're  ... MORE

Mike Riggs: Moody's Sounds The Alarm On Student Loans

Student loan debt has surpassed credit card debt. A growing chorus of economists and educators think that the higher education industry will be America's next bubble. Easy credit, high tuition, and poor job prospects have resulted in growing delinquency and default rates on nearly $1 trillion worth of private and federally subsidized loans. Now the ratings agency ... MORE