VIDEO: John Stossel - Legalize Blackmail

Note the difference between blackmail and extortion. Extortion indicates the use or threat of force to obtain money or favor. Blackmail is simply the use or threat of an inconvenient truth to obtain money or favor. To avoid blackmail, one only needs to live a life they are not ashamed of. No one is suggesting extortion be legal.

Ronald Bailey: How Scared Of Terrorism Should You Be?

Not very. How many Americans have been killed in terrorist attacks inside the United States since the September 11, 2001, atrocities? Arguably 16. Egyptian Hesham Mohamed Hadayet killed two Israelis at the El Al ticket counter at the Los Angeles airport on July 4, 2002. On June 1, 2009, Abdulhakim Muhammed killed one soldier at a recruiting center in Little Rock, Arkansas,       ... MORE

Freedoms I Wish The Military Were Defending

by Laurence Vance. "Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended." George W. Bush, September 11, 2001.  We have heard it repeated loudly and continuously since 9/11 – the troops are defending our freedoms. This claim is made so often and by so many different segments of society that it has become another ... MORE

Libertarians Hunt Humans -- And Other Tales

by David Harsanyi.  With the electorate getting more comfortable with libertarian ideas, a Maginot Line of hackery is being built to keep the barbarians out. The latest is over at Reuters, where Sally Kohn writes one of the silliest pieces on the topic I’ve ever read. Using Peter Thiel’s seasteading efforts (”sovereign nations built on oil-rig-type platforms anchored in ... MORE

VIDEO: I Remember America

The liberty you lose, may be your own.

Walter E Williams: Blacks and Politics

Limited government is tantamount to racism?  At one of last month's Congressional Black Caucus-sponsored "job fairs," Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., told the audience: "This is the effort that we're seeing of Jim Crow. Some of these folks in Congress right now would love to see us as second-class citizens. Some of them in Congress right now with this tea party movement would ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Two Different Worlds

A conflict of visions. Ideological clashes over particular laws, policies and programs often go far deeper. Those with opposing views of what is desirable for the future also tend to differ equally sharply as to what the reality of the present is. In other words, they envision two very different worlds. A small but revealing example was a recent New York Times criticism of former Apple CEO  ... MORE

Steve Chapman: Wired For Overregulation

Washington's latest regulatory power grab. Outside the Washington headquarters of the Federal Trade Commission is a sculpture of a powerfully built, shirtless man forcibly restraining an unruly horse. It's called "Man Controlling Trade," and it captures a common attitude in government: Oftentimes, capitalist firms need to be saddled and broken.               ... MORE

VIDEO: Leonard Read - Advancing Liberty and Reason

James Lewis: On Being Governed By Scientific Frauds

Bad ideas are toxic. The news leaked out a while ago that Al Gore scored a D in natural science at Harvard.  That would be the science introduction for Other Majors, not difficult chemistry or calculus.  So Nobel Laureate Al Gore got a D in Science for Dummies. But don't worry.  Anybody can blow a college course and still bounce back.  A lot of us get it wrong the first time.     ... MORE

U.S. Economy Creates No Jobs in August

First time since 1945. Employment growth ground to a halt in August, as sagging consumer confidence discouraged already skittish U.S. businesses from hiring, keeping pressure on the Federal Reserve to provide more monetary stimulus to aid the struggling economy. Nonfarm payrolls were unchanged last month, the Labor Department said Friday. It was the first time since 1945 ... MORE

Gary Jason: A State Of Total Insanity

Bankrupt the people, save the public employees.  Two recent stories out of California that what is already the most stupidly governed state is slipping into outright insanity. ... MORE

VIDEO: TSA Assault On Liberty

We should have heeded Ben Franklin.

Bob Barr: The War on Gibson Guitars

Owners of vintage guitars beware  Are you a guitar owner? More important, do you own a guitar made by Gibson, one of the most well-known American guitar manufacturers? If so, listen up; you may be in Uncle Sam’s cross hairs – as a criminal. Just ask Henry Juszkiewicz, Chairman and CEO of Gibson Guitars. Last week, heavily armed federal agents raided two guitar ... MORE

Jacob G. Hornberger: Doubling Down in the Drug War

For some, the drug war has worked out well. Why can’t the U.S. government ever learn lessons from any of its failed programs? The biggest lesson it fails to learn is the importance of ending programs that are obvious failures, especially ones that are inherently incapable of succeeding. Instead, in its usually bullheaded, headstrong fashion, the government maintains the program ... MORE