NY Times: New Poll Finds Deep Distrust Of Government

Approval Ratings Of Congress
The public seems to be catching on. With Election Day just over a year away, a deep sense of economic anxiety and doubt about the future hangs over the nation, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, with Americans’ distrust of government at its highest level ever. The combustible climate helps explain the volatility of the presidential race and has ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - 99% Economic Illiteracy

People have taken to the streets mad as hell, but don't seem to understand why.

Thomas Sowell: The Media And 'Bullying'

Advancing the agenda of those in vogue.  Back in the 1920s, the intelligentsia on both sides of the Atlantic were loudly protesting the execution of political radicals Sacco and Vanzetti, after what they claimed was an unfair trial. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote to his young leftist friend Harold Laski, pointing out that there were "a thousand-fold ... MORE

Investors Business Daily: California's Economic Suicide

Proof that the mind is a terrible thing to waste. Regulations finalized by the California Air Resources Board establish the nation's first state-run cap-and-trade regime. Despite Solyndra, the state will gather solar panels while it may. The 262 pages of regulations implementing California's 2006 global warming legislation, Assembly Bill 32, approved by CARB last Thursday, will  ... MORE

Merrill Lynch Warns Of Another U.S. Debt Downgrade

Politicians fiddle while Rome burns. The United States is in for another credit downgrade by year’s end if Congress fails to agree on a long-term plan to tame the nation’s $14.8 trillion debt, Merrill Lynch warned. In a research note, the Bank of America unit predicts that either Moody’s or Fitch will move to downgrade the U.S. AAA rating. Standard & Poor’s cut  ... MORE

VIDEO: Ayn Rand & the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged

Documentary Movie Trailer. Ayn Rand and the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged looks into Rand's background for the ideas and philosophy that inspired and shaped her novel and seeks to determine whether America is indeed headed for the disastrous outcome she predicted.

Michael Barone: Cult Of Global Warming Losing Influence

Religious fervor always cools off. Religious faith is a source of strength in many people’s lives. But religious faith when taken too far can prove ludicrous — or disastrous. On Oct. 22, 1844, thousand of Millerites, having sold all their possessions, climbed to the top of hills in upstate New York to await the return of Jesus and the end of the world. They suffered “the ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Profits Are For People

Profit is not a four-letter word. The Occupy Wall Street demonstrators are demanding "people before profits" — as if profit motivation were the source of mankind's troubles — when it's often the absence of profit motivation that's the true villain. First, let's get both the definition and magnitude of profits out of the way. Profits represent the residual claim earned by entrepreneurs.  ... MORE

Random Roadblocks In The Name Of Terrorism

TSA's warrantless search and seizures go on the road. When the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced last year that it would soon begin setting up security checkpoints in places other than just airports, it definitely was not joking. News Channel 5 in Nashville, Tenn., has announced that Tennessee is the official inaugural state for the launch of TSA's ... MORE

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Parallels To Rome

Katherine Mangu-Ward: 5 Myths About Healthy Eating

A helping of skepticism regarding government fixes. It’s hard to argue against rules that give consumers more information. Perhaps for that reason, proposals to require restaurants to jam calorie, fat and other nutrition statistics onto already crowded signs and menus pop up over and over—most recently as part of the health-care reform law—despite the fact that ... MORE

George Reisman: In Praise Of The Capitalist 1 Percent

Everyone benefits from the hated capitalists. The protesters in the Occupy Wall Street movement and its numerous clones elsewhere in the country and around the world chant that 1 percent of the population owns all the wealth and lives at the expense of the remaining 99 percent. The obvious solution that they imply is for the 99 percent to seize the wealth of ... MORE