Gene Healy: Busybodies Of The World, Unite!

Nannies seeking to deny you pleasure for your own good.   A smoke, a drink, and maybe a bag of chips in the privacy of your own home—they're the guilty pleasures of life for many of us. But it's increasingly hard to escape those who want to deny them to you—for your own good. To take one small but irritating example, this Wednesday, the city council of  ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - Government Schools

Brian Phillips: Steve Jobs Versus Barney Frank

Steve Jobs and Barney Frank are very different men:   Jobs is a tech-savvy entrepreneur; Frank is a stodgy politician. Jobs is West coast; Frank is East coast. Jobs is easy to like; Frank is easy to loathe. But the differences go beyond the obvious. Steve Jobs creates delightful products that consumers willingly and eagerly buy. Barney Frank issues edicts... MORE

Katie Kieffer: Gays, Females And Equals

Gays are not merely bodies desiring homosexual action. Women are not walking uteruses. Gays and women are dignified human beings with reason, spirit and individuality. The Constitution considers Americans with respect to our humanity and citizenship, not our sexuality. So when politicians and sexual minority activists lobby for gay and female   ... MORE

VIDEO: The Reality Behind Minimum Wage

Robert Knight: Taming The EPA Monster

Supreme Court ruling strikes a blow in ongoing battle.   Slowly, inexorably, the monster is being driven back to its lair. Its days of terrorizing villagers may soon be over. I wish I were talking about the federal government, but it’s the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), better known as the Environmental Protection-or-else Agency.      ... MORE

John Stossel: Everyone Out Of The Pool

More money for lawyers! Every year, federal government bureaucrats work hard to come up with some 80,000 pages of new and proposed regulations. That's a lot of pages -- 23 feet high if you stack them in one pile. One rule that just went effect, which you can find by flipping to page 56,236 of the 2010 regulations, will require all hotels with a pool    ... MORE

Mark Steyn: The Sun Also Sets

National debt to enter its "sudden" phase. I was in Australia earlier this month and there, as elsewhere on my recent travels, the consensus among the politicians I met (at least in private) was that Washington lacked the will for meaningful course correction, and that, therefore, the trick was to ensure that, when the behemoth goes over the cliff, you’re not ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Why Racial Profiling Exists

Human beings do not have god-like insight. Right now, there isn't enough known about the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, a black, by George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old part-Hispanic, during his neighborhood watch tour in an Orlando, Fla., suburb. If evidence emerges that Zimmerman's actions were not   ... MORE

VIDEO: 3 Reasons to End Obamacare Before it Begins!

Doug Hornig: What If You Could Put On A Thinking Cap?

Could a nine-volt battery be better than coffee?  "Flow." Although it can be annoying difficult to define with any precision and virtually impossible to measure objectively, everyone intuitively knows what it is, and most people have experienced some form of it at one time or another. It's that state of effortless concentration that leads to superior performance, either  ... MORE