Jeff Sessions Lets Cops Be Robbers

Donald Trump does not know what civil asset forfeiture is, but he wants to see more of it.

Walter E Williams: Conflicting Visions

For the most part, people share common goals. Most of us want poor people to enjoy higher standards of living, greater traffic 
safety, more world peace, greater racial harmony, cleaner air and water, and less crime. Despite the fact that people have common goals, we often see them grouped into contentious factions, fighting tooth and nail to promote polar opposite government policies in the name of achieving a commonly held goal. The conflict is centered around the means to achieve goals rather than the goals themselves. The policies that become law often have the unintended consequence of sabotaging the achievement of the stated goal.  ... MORE

The Government Is Not Us

Latest Update: July 30, 2017
It’s your money but you can’t have it:  EU proposes bank account freezes
State law forces bystanders to help police making arrest — or go to jail
Massachusetts drug bill would imprison you for having a hidden compartment in your car
Senate bill to force citizens to register cash not in a bank, violators get 10 years in prison
Colorado cops used warrantless searches on the poor to imprison them and train police dogs
All crimes are legal when government is the perp: The FBI and child porn
VIDEO: John Stossel: The Audacity of the Elites

Media Bias On Parade

Latest Update: July 12, 2017
John Stossel: Stupid Hostile Media
New York Times forced to retract longstanding lie about Russian hacking
CNN producer admits they’re fake news and Trump Russia conspiracy is a hoax
Harvard study acknowledges huge media bias 
The media bubble is worse than you think
A lack of objectivity - VIDEO: Can you trust the media?