September 16, 2017

Maduro drops all pretense, vows to become a dictator to ensure “economic peace” in Venezuela 

from PanAm Post: End stage socialism for all to see. Leftists and children should be careful what they wish for.
Economic Policy: Statism vs The Free Market

Sheriff forced to pay own money for sending SWAT team after cop who criticized him 

from The Free Thought Project: A Louisiana Sheriff, who sent a SWAT team after a fellow officer who exposed his corruption, is now being held accountable with a civil lawsuit. Of course, no criminal or disciplinary actions have been taken.
Police State America

 ðŸŽ¬  Thomas DiLorenzo - The Revolution of 1913 

LibertyPen: Ever wonder how our beautiful country, founded on individual liberty, has morphed into its present state of a powerful central government attempting to dictate every facet of your life? The events of 1913 contains the answers.
Economic Policy: Statism vs The Free Market

The self-driving vehicle future will be the end of privacy 

from The Activist Post: The vehicles sensors will constantly be sucking up data (weather, traffic, speed, location, time, date) and feeding it into the navigation system, potentially revealing private details to law enforcement and other hackers.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Cops claim standard procedure used as teen is tasered to death 

from The Free Thought Project: Cops caught on video tasering a teen in his genitals until he died and saying they were going to kill him, now claim this is standard procedure.
Police State America

September 15, 2017

230 years after the Constitution, we’re walking a dangerous road 

from The Rutherford Institute: A look at what it means to live under the Constitution today.
The Government is Not Us

🎬  Walter E Williams - What is a Right? 

from LibertyPen: There are many misconceptions about what constitutes a right. Professor Williams provides clarity.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Court lets DEA keep evidence from warrantless search 

from TechDirt: The government's lawyers with robes conveniently decided that possible cause is just as good as probable cause. The state may do as it pleases. The Constitutional protections of the Fourth Amendment are now officially gutted.
The Government is Not Us

A case against the minimum wage 

from Forbes: The case AGAINST minimum wage is the case FOR economic liberty. Supporters focus only on the beneficiaries without regard to those shut out of the job market each time the entry bar is raised.
Regulation Nation

What does child porn smell like? DHS is training dogs to sniff it out 

from ReasonTV: This may not qualify as politically correct, but it is hard to contest this being filed under other nitwittery.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Permanent reauthorization of Section 702 of FISA 'borders on insanity' 

from The Caldwell County News: The This would be a final and permanent nail in the coffin for the Fourth Amendment.
Say goodbye to the notion of the "sovereign citizen".
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

September 14, 2017

📹  Our Amazing Debt (Cosmos Parody) 

from ReasonTV: The national debt just skipped past $20 trillion, which puts America's indebtedness at "unfathomably staggering." (And the chunk you owe personally at "a lot.") The math is so complex that Reason TV decided to lean on "Cosmos" to explain it.
Economic Policy: Statism vs The Free Market

Maine is nullifying federal regulations that cripple local farmers 

from Mises Institute: This is one path for the future of freedom. State nullification is the remedy for federal overreach and tyrannical anti-liberty regs.
Economic Policy: Statism vs The Free Market

Has the NYT Gone Collectively Mad? 

from Consortiumnews: "For those of us who have taught journalism or worked as editors, a sign that an article is the product of sloppy or dishonest journalism is that a key point will be declared as flat fact when it is unproven or a point in serious dispute – and it then becomes the foundation for other claims, building a story like a high-rise constructed on sand."
Media Bias on Parade

Calls to imprison "climate change deniers" grow in the wake of Hurricane Irma 

from Mises Institute: Environmental fanatics continue to grow more radical and intolerant. The movement seems to be dropping the guise of science, developing into a full-fledged religion.
Indoctrination and Censorship

In surprise vote, House passes amendment to restrict asset forfeiture 

from The Intercept: Could pass the Senate on anti-Sessions, anti-Trump sentiment, but if Trump is the tyrannical authoritarian some suspect, he will veto it.
Police State America

This new database is tracking how many cops are charged with crimes 

from Reason: A new database tries to answer one of the most vexing questions in the national debate over policing. The truly amazing thing is this hasn't been done before.
Police State America