September 13, 2019

The secret history of the monopolization of welfare by the state

fromAIER: Left out of today’s public discourse is the issue that guided classical liberals in the 19th century: should people be free or shall they be coerced to do what others consider to be “the right thing”?

NRA sues San Francisco over terrorist declaration

fromABCNews: "...accuses city officials of violating the gun lobby's free speech rights for political reasons and says the city is seeking to blacklist anyone associated with the NRA."
2nd Amendment Assaults

Climate change has been a routine scare tactic since the 1930's

fromArmstrongEconomics: It has long been a ploy of the socialist left to demean and destroy the concept of private property with apocalyptic predictions.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

John Bolton left because Trump wouldn’t let him start a war

fromVox: There was always going to be a conflict between Trump’s “America First” and Bolton’s “America Everywhere.”
Defense Versus The War Machine

9/11 Solidified the Destruction of Our Freedom

fromFFF: The saddest thing about 9/11 is how American politicians allowed a band of terrorists to successfully destroy American freedom.
The Government is Not Us

Flynn hearing reveals existence of bombshell DOJ memo exonerating Michael Flynn

fromSaraCarter: A bombshell revelation was barely noticed at Michael Flynn’s hearing, when his counsel revealed the existence of a Justice Department memo from Jan. 30, 2017 exonerating Flynn of any collusion with Russia.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

September 10, 2019

Why cats pay a lower price for CAT scans in Canada

fromEconomicPolicyJournal: In Canada, with socialized medicine, pets get an immediate MRI; human beings can wait months. The reason: pets are paying customers; humans are not.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - The Student Debt Crisis

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: From Tucker Carlson Tonight, the inconvenient truth about student loan debt. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Trump Admin is considering using Amazon Echo to determine if citizens should own a gun

fromDailyCaller: Being considered: a proposal that would use Google, Amazon and Apple to collect data on users who exhibit characteristics of mental illness that could lead to violent behavior.
2nd Amendment Assaults             Government is Watching Every Move You Make

A man spent 82 says in jail on meth charges. The "meth' was actually honey.

fromReason: Government incompetence made an innocent man spend months in jail and lose both of his jobs.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Race and Economics

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: In excerpts from Tony Brown’s Journal (1984), Dr. Sowell shares timeless insights from his research on the economics of race and culture. 
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Democrats propose mandatory free speech buyback for dangerous ideas

fromBabylonBee: What the Babylon Bee says today, the Democratic Party will say tomorrow.
Indoctrination and Censorship

August 12, 2019

Overbearing regulations are slowly killing restaurants

fromReason: Running a restaurant is hard enough without government micromanagers trying to stir the pot.
Regulation Nation

TSA drops fine against man who opted not to board a flight rather than be subjected to invasive search

fromRutherfordInstitute: Texas man not punished for opting out of third warrantless search. He refused an invasive pat-down after he had already been through metal detector and whole body scanner.
Police State America       The Government is Not Us

FBI stats show knives kill far more people than rifles In America – it’s not even close

fromDailyCaller: According to the FBI, 1,604 people were killed by “knives and cutting instruments” and 374 were killed by “rifles” in 2016.
2nd Amendment Assaults

How the government can steal your stuff: 6 questions about civil asset forfeiture answered

fromPennsylvaniaCapital-Star: Law professor and criminal justice expert Nora V. Demleitner explains how this procedure works and why it irks conservatives and progressives alike.
Police State America

Cops still not charged after dumping 26 rounds Into truck full of small children, shooting 3 Of them

fromFreeThoughtProject: “How am I supposed to tell my kids that the people who are supposed to protect them are the ones that shot them?” father of the children, Quin Jacobs said.