May 1, 2019

America’s drug war is ruining the world

fromTheNation:  It is verifiable. 
A half-century of Washington’s harsh drug prohibition policies has brought misery to millions across the globe.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

VIDEO: Andrew Klavin - Making Sense of a World Gone Mad

fromLibertyPen/YouTube:  From a speech delivered at Hillsdale College, commentator Andrew Klavin shares his insights on the modern war of ideas.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Can the damage done by the CDC's opioid guidelines be reversed?

fromReason:  It is no public service when the law enforcement establishment makes mandatory medical policy.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Kamala Harris: We need to raise taxes on the middle class and force workers into unions

fromTownhall:  Democrats like Harris would not only roll back middle class benefits by raising their taxes, they're gunning to undo the policy progress that has led to robust employment and GDP growth.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

NSA says warrantless searches of Americans’ data rose in 2018

fromTechCrunch:  You wouldn't know it now, but there was a time when the Fourth Amendment had teeth.
The Government is Not Us           Police State America        Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Activists say Biden's hardline drugs policies didn't apply to his children's cocaine and marijuana use

fromTownhall:  During his 36 years in the Senate, Biden helped craft some of the strictest anti-drug laws of the 1980s and 1990s. However, his own children were able to avoid the brunt of these laws.