July 1, 2019
fromTheHill: At the federal level, members of the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time overwhelmingly voted in favor of legislation halting federal interference in state-specific marijuana laws.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange
fromMises: The debate is between leftwing activists and nearly everyone else: namely, that public spaces ought to be opened up for use by anyone wishing to live on it.
May 27, 2019
fromReason: This is the nature of government. It can't stop the flow of illicit substances in a sealed and militarized building that's under its total control.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange
fromDailyBeast: The administration argues Assange isn't a journalist, in the hope his unpopularity will make people forget why we can’t have the government deciding who counts as a journalist.
Indoctrination and Censorship
fromLibertyPen/YouTube: In order to defend Democratic Party policies that attract illegal immigrants and allow them to operate, Nancy Pelosi and others are willing to protect the deadliest, most savage street gang in America.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
fromFreeThoughtProject: An innocent unarmed teen was playing video games on a couch when a police officer opens the door, without announcing himself and kills him.
Police State America
fromWired: A decentralized network of gun-printing advocates is mobilising online, they're anonymously sharing blueprints, advice and building a community. There's no easy way they can be halted.
2nd Amendment Assaults
fromKunsler: "The bad faith of his antagonists exceeds even Mr. Trump’s defects and vices." Their plot failed. "And, yes, it was a plot, even a coup. And they fucked it up magnificently, leaving a paper trail as wide as Interstate-95."
May 11, 2019
fromNewsweek: “Prohibition policies have caused more harm to people and communities than the drugs they were intended to eliminate, and they haven’t come anywhere close to eliminating the supply or the demand.”
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange
fromTheHill: Gun control advocates have called for prohibiting possession of AR-15 rifles — a ban that could create five million new felons overnight.
2nd Amendment Assaults
fromZeroHedge: “Because of this, changes to the poverty thresholds, including how they are updated for inflation over time, may affect eligibility for programs that use the poverty guidelines.”
The Welfare State: Promoting Dependency
fromReason: Marx “was a champion of free trade, and no friend of tariff barriers.”
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
fromReason: Everywhere rent control is tried, the same things happen. Landlords exit the market. Developers stop building apartments. Supply drops significantly.
Regulation Nation
fromCNSNews: The median earnings of state and local government workers were higher than the median earnings in any of the four categories of private-industry and self-employed workers. Federal workers were even higher.
May 1, 2019
fromTheNation: It is verifiable.
A half-century of Washington’s harsh drug prohibition policies has brought misery to millions across the globe.
Feb 4, 2019
fromCreators: The new racism. "There are only two ways to explain the silence by people who should know better. Either they agree with the sentiments expressed or they are out-and-out cowards."
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery
fromPJMedia: We see "the behavior of a police state where the laws are written to help the government achieve its ends, not to guarantee the freedom of the people — and where police break the laws they are sworn to enforce."
Jan 23, 2019
fromRutherfordInstitute: Uncle Sam wants you. Correction: Uncle Sam wants your DNA. Actually, if the government gets its hands on your DNA, they as good as have you in their clutches.
Nov 5, 2018
fromMises: The Declaration of Independence enshrined the notion that government must possess “the consent of the governed.” Unfortunately, politicians often claim blank checks to define the meaning of citizens’ ballots.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
fromTheFreeThoughtProject: Demonstrating a complete failure to grasp the concept of ‘irony,’ CNN’s Don Lemon urged Americans not to “demonize” each other, then called white men “the biggest terror threat in this country.”
Media Bias on Parade Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery
fromMoonofAlabama: Trump knows how to get and maintain attention. Each day he makes some outrageous claims that are red meat for his base, and give major media attention to his politics.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption
fromDailySignal: The 14th Amendment doesn’t say that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens. It says that “[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” are citizens.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption The Government is Not Us
fromTheDailyBell: School is not about knowledge or intelligence. It is about obedience. It trains youth to be obedient to authority figures and to seek their approval.
Indoctrination and Censorship
fromWebMD: Government wrong again. The long-banned “club drug” MDMA showed strong results as a treatment against posttraumatic stress disorder in its largest and longest study to date, researchers reported Monday.
Regulation Nation The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange
April 16, 2016
fromCreators: The government's dirty little secret: Drug legalization will save lives.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange
fromReason: More government malfeasance wherever you turn. Taxpayer contributions to pension plans have doubled in the past decade, but pension debt continues to increase.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market
fromNews.com: NEW hi-tech cameras that detect drivers using their mobile phones without them even knowing and automatically issues fines could soon change everything.
Regulation Nation
fromReason: Plus: Ketamine nasal spray gets boost from Johnson & Johnson study and Philly protests over jailing of rapper Meek Mill.
Regulation Nation
fromTheGuardian: Drug cartels and police unions will join forces to fight this.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange
fromTheFreeThoughtProject: Cops are allowed to shoot first and ask questions later. They are given special privilege as agents of the state and are not to be confused with public servants.
Police State America