March 17, 2020

How Italy's socialized medicine deals with overload: Let the old folks die

fromDailyMail: A crisis management unit in Turin suggested that victims will be denied access to intensive care if they are aged over 80 or in poor health.

End the FISA

fromTownhall: An unconstitutional mess that weakens national security and threatens civil liberties.

How national security surveillance nabs more than spies

fromAPNews: Broad searches for foreign intelligence information flips the Fourth Amendment on its head when the government repurposes those searches for domestic criminal prosecutions

This crackdown on a jury nullification activist violates the First Amendment

fromReason: What’s at stake in Michigan v. Wood

VIDEO: Ayn Rand - Those Evil Robber Barons

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: A crisis management unit in Turin suggested that victims will be denied access to intensive care if they are aged over 80 or in poor health.

Things have changed..."at least in wartime, the bars stay open"

fromZeroHedge: "Even those of us who signed up for this trip - that is, who expected a long emergency - may be a little bit in cosmic awe at just how much shit is flying into the ol’ fan."