Showing posts with label Founding Fathers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Founding Fathers. Show all posts

Mychal Massie: The Establishment Vs. We The People

Don't fall for elites' 'consensus' argument, again.      Quoting journalist Lewis Lapham, Attorney John W. Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute wrote: “The shaping of the will of Congress and the choosing of the American president has become a privilege reserved to the country’s equestrian classes, aka the 20 [percent] of the population that   ... MORE

R Watson And J Burnham: Separation Of Powers, A Primer

Learn the Founder's vision.  Constitutional concepts like free speech or the right to bear arms are ingrained in our popular culture, but just 36% of Americans can name all three branches of the federal government. Even fewer understand why and how our Constitution allocates power among the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches. As we       ... MORE

VIDEO: Quiz - Why Are We Celebrating Independence Day?

A commentary on democracy that explains why we have the government we do.

Ed Feulner: 'We The People'

Are we up to the challenge of self-government?      “We the People.” We’ve heard that phrase so often it’s easy to overlook its significance. But as we mark our nation’s birthday, we should take a moment to ask ourselves: What is the role of the people? Our nation is unique because of its universal founding principles. At the heart  ... MORE

Publius Huldah: Nullification is a Natural Right!

Understand your history & you will understand nullification. What did our Framers really say we must do when the federal government usurps power? They never said, "When the federal government ignores the Constitution, amend the Constitution." They never said, "File a lawsuit and let federal judges decide." Instead, they advised two manly   ... MORE

Damon Root: How Libertarians Are Changing Conservative Views on Economic Liberty And The Constitution

A long overdue return to the Founder's vision.     This month marks the 110th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Lochner v. New York, in which the Court struck down an economic regulation on the grounds that it violated the 14th Amendment right to liberty of contract. In the early decades of the 20th century, Lochner     ... MORE

John Stossel - Freedom To And From Religion

Government more powerful than God.  Religious oppression was one reason many of our ancestors came to America. They wanted to escape rulers who demanded that everyone worship their way. In Ireland, Catholics couldn't vote or own a gun. I assumed that because many of America's founders came here to escape such repression, they    ... MORE

Bruce Fein: Ignoring America's True Greatness

Killing America's golden goose.   The United States was founded on exceptional principles that we are ignoring at our peril. The Declaration of Independence explained that individual liberty was the center of our constitutional universe; and, that the United States was formed to protect the unalienable rights of citizens to life, liberty, and the pursuit  ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: Lamenting Liberty Lost

The road from sovereignty to slavery.  A British author, residing in the United States for the past 30 years, created a small firestorm earlier this week with his candid observations that modern-day Americans have been duped by the government into accepting a European-style march toward socialism because we fail to     ... MORE

Why The Founders Didn’t Give Us A Democracy

by Keith Weiner.    As the famous story goes, when Ben Franklin left Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia had a question she wanted answered. “Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” No one today (well, seemingly      ... MORE