Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts

Sheldon Richman: Opposing Imperialism Is Not Isolationism

What Ron Paul's critics refuse to admit.  When pundits and rival politicians call Ron Paul an “isolationist,” they mislead the American people—and they know it. They know it? How could they not: Ron Paul is for unilateral, unconditional free trade. He believes any American should be perfectly free to buy from or sell to any person in the world. In that  ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: Capitalism (That's What I Want)

Bullies rule society when need is the basis of morality.   The Beatles once rocked America with their cover version of “Money (That’s What I Want).” Today, I’ll rock you with my version. Capitalism don't get everything it's true. What it don't get I can't use. Now gimme capitalism (that's what I want). Anti-capitalist sentiment is creeping into American culture ... MORE

Patriot-News: What Separates Ron Paul From The Pack

Only Paul seeks to minimize the role of the state. At a recent GOP debate, the presidential candidates were asked what they would be doing on a Saturday night if they weren’t running for president. The responses were typically safe and predictable, mostly having to do with watching sports, but one brave soul said he would be reading an economics textbook.   ... MORE

Rachael Williams: In Defense Of Libertarians

A truly limited government is not extremism. Throughout the primary election season there's been a group unfairly villainized by the rest of the Republicans. Not the establishment (they can't be villianized enough for giving us McCain and trying to keep folks like Rand Paul from getting elected in 2010) -- I mean libertarians. Republicans like to villainize libertarians      ... MORE

Charles Hurt: Obama's Naked Thuggery

Liberals getting high on the elixir of power. After all these years it took a great constitutional scholar who had spent a life cloistered in academia and street work to utterly rape our most cherished Constitution. This business of bypassing the Senate to pick “recess” appointments to positions most Americans have never heard of may ... MORE

Roger L. Simon: Ron Paul Defends Romney & Capitalism

Texas congressman is a rare breed: politically honest.   I admit I have been critical of Ron Paul in the past, and still am regarding foreign policy, but I admire his forthright honesty in defense of Mitt Romney today. That’s a rare thing for a politician, particularly in the thick of the fight, but Paul seems to be a man who means what he says, good, bad or  ... MORE

VIDEO: America CAN Change Its Direction

In 1940, Charlie Chaplin unwittingly made a pitch for Ron Paul.

Viveca Novak: Military Donors Prefer Ron Paul

Military personnel support Paul on defense.   GOP presidential candidate and Air Force veteran Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) continues to highlight his strong support from members of the armed forces as he hits the campaign trail following his third-place finish in Iowa. And the numbers continue to bear him out, according to research by the Center for ... MORE

Matt Welch: The Bright Side Of Paul's Third Place Finish

7 reasons why Paul supporters should remain optimistic.  For Ron Paul's most ardent supporters, last night's third-place finish in the Iowa caucus was an undeniable disappointment. The dream of boomeranging from an Iowa victory to a New Hampshire resurgence to an anything-is-possible Super Tuesday has now gone to re-write. Being exposed as a state .... MORE

VIDEO: Ron Paul Ad - Believe

GOP party leaders and the media WANT you to think Ron Paul is not electable.

Katie Kieffer: The Real Ron Paul Stands Up

May I have your attention please?  Will the real Ron Paul please stand up? I repeat, will the real Ron Paul please stand up? I keep hearing the same three rumors about Paul: He blames America for 9/11, he’s anti-Israel and he’s pro-Iran. So, who is the real Ron Paul? Does he blame America for 9/11? No, he’s very patriotic. Bob Schieffer recently interviewed ... MORE

Edward H. Crane: Why Ron Paul Matters

The one who stands for constitutionally limited government. The controversy surrounding decades-old newsletters to which GOP presidential aspirant Ron Paul lent his name is regrettable. First, it is regrettable because the sometimes bigoted, intolerant content of those newsletters is inconsistent with the views of the congressman as understood by those of us who ... MORE

John Stossel: A Libertarian Year Ahead?

As 2011 draws to a close, I wonder: Is freedom winning? Did America become freer this year? Less free? How about the rest of the world? I'm a pessimist. I fear Thomas Jefferson was right when he said, "The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." That's what's happened. Bush and Obama doubled spending and  ... MORE

Jim Cardoza: Ron Paul & The 100 MPH Train

LibertyPen's endorsement of Ron Paul.   GOP leaders prefer Mitt Romney to be their party's nominee. They see him as the most electable, in part because he is the most moderate. The media prefers Newt Gingrich. As big government devotees, they want more Obama and believe the nomination of Newt best serves that purpose. The tea party movement, which   ... MORE

VIDEO: Andrew Napolitano - The Case For Austerity

Denial is should not be an economic policy. 
"We must swallow the bitter pill of austerity now on our own terms, while we are still the undisputed leader of the free world and while we still have a Constitution."

Why Ron Paul's Surge Is Making Them Nervous

by Jacob Horneberger.  While big government statists in both the Republican and Democrat parties remain mystified over Ron Paul's surge in the polls in Iowa, the ones who seem most confounded by this phenomenon are members of the mainstream media, who themselves are statist to the core. They just can't figure out how it's possible that increasing numbers of  ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Free To Die?

Forcibly using one person to serve another.   Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, in his New York Times column titled "Free to Die" (9/15/2011), pointed out that back in 1980, his late fellow Nobel laureate Milton Friedman lent his voice to the nation's shift to the political right in his famous 10-part TV series, "Free To Choose." Nowadays, Krugman says,  ... MORE

Iowa Poll: Ron Paul Is The "Most Principled" Candidate  When Republicans and Independents who are planning to attend next month’s Iowa Republican caucuses were asked who they believe is the “most principled” candidate in the Republican field, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas ranked first with 24 percent, according to a Des Moines Register poll released Sunday. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota was second with 17 ... MORE