Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts

Alicia M. Cohn: Ron Paul Demonstrates True Transparency

The rare politician who honors the public's trust.    Ron Paul's presidential campaign regularly reports expenses well below the $200 minimum to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), and in at least 160 reports so far in the campaign has reported purchases costing a dollar or less. Paul's diligence goes beyond the letter of the law and is    ... MORE

Brian Doherty: Is The Soul Of The GOP Worth Fighting For?

Ron Paul vs. Rick Santorum. Ron Paul’s campaign (and his fans) had hoped to make the Republican presidential nomination race a Romney vs. Paul one by now. In this wished-for scenario, Paul could use his Tea Party, small government, Christian conservative bonafides to be a legitimate contender on the delegate-collection path toward Tampa. Alas, the former joke ... MORE

Gary Johnson: Time To Repeal The Patriot Act

The Patriot Act is not for patriots. Ten years ago, we learned that the fastest way to pass a bad law is to call it the ‘Patriot Act’ and force Congress to vote on it in the immediate wake of a horrible attack on the United States. The irony is that there is really very little about the Patriot Act that is patriotic. Instead, it has turned out to be yet another tool the    ... MORE

AP: One Candidate Stands For Self-Ownership Principle

Ron Paul believes one's body is private property.    Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul decried the “war on drugs” Thursday night, telling supporters in Washington state that people should be able to make their own decisions on such matters. Voters in Washington are likely to decide this year whether to legalize the recreational use of marijuana.   ... MORE

Erick Erickson: Rick Santorum Is A Pro-Life Statist

What a big government conservative looks like. I’m rather tired of all the people who don’t like Romney trying to claim Rick Santorum is not a big government conservative, or not a pro-life statist.  I would support him before I would support Romney too, but I have no intention of giving up ideological and intellectual consistency in the name of beating    ... MORE

George Melloan: Let's Return To The Gold Standard

Curing the disease of debt. The futile search for El Dorado, the city of gold, is the stuff of legends, among them a sardonic poem by Edgar Allen Poe about a knight who wasted his life in that pursuit. At first glance, the quest for something far more substantial, an international gold monetary standard, might seem equally Quixotic in today's world where those ... MORE

VIDEO: Michael Steele On Wealth Redistribution

Socratic interviewer Jan Helfeld brings the former RNC chairman to the bottom line.

Steve Watson: Fox Business News Axes Freedom Watch

Info on how to get Napolitano's show back on. The Fox Business Channel has cancelled one of the only shows on the entire Fox News network that was in any way informative or watchable - Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napolitano. In a press release distributed late Thursday, the channel announced that its entire prime-time programming lineup  ... MORE

Pat Buchanan: Is Ron Paul A Reactionary Or A Visionary?

As our situation is new, we must think anew.   After his fourth-place showing in Florida, , by then in Nevada, told supporters he had been advised by friends that he would do better if only he dumped his views, which have been derided as isolationism. Not going to do it, said Dr. Paul to cheers. And why should he?           ... MORE

Karin Agness: Why Ron Paul Appeals To Young Voters

A champion of free enterprise and limited government. The first primaries of 2012 are complete, but the fight over the proper role of government continues. The question before GOP primary voters is who best reflects their own answer to that question, and then, who is best suited to make that case to the American people? A clear winner has yet to  ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - Ron Paul And Rational Defense

Ron Paul's defense strategy is challenged by Col. David Hunt.

Charles Kadlec: Gingrich And The Gold Standard

Did you know Newt wants to get back to sound money?   The biggest under-reported story of the South Carolina primary is winner Newt Gingrich’s campaign promise to convene a gold commission to “look at the whole concept of how do we get back to hard money.” The only job of the Fed should be to “maintain the stability of the dollar because we want a   ... MORE

Ron Paul: TSA Part Of An "Out-Of-Control" Police State

Candidate calls to abolish liberty-violating agency.   Republican Senator Rand Paul was stopped at an airport on Monday for setting off an alarm and refusing a patdown, prompting his father, U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul, to accuse security officials of being part of an "out of control" police state. In a harshly worded attack on the Transportation Security ... MORE

Andrew Foy & Brenton Stransky: 3 Problems With Ron Paul

Ron Paul does not have the smile of Obama, the folksy likability of Romney or the carving wit of Gingrich. In fact, Ron Paul looks (and sounds) nothing like a Washington elitist. In our visual society we too often pick our politicians based on hair line and pearly whites and too seldom on the content of their character or value of their platform. No one who ... MORE

VIDEO: Associated Press Called Out On Ron Paul Lies

Michael Tanner: GOP Should Heed Ron Paul

They can't afford to lose small government voters. The warnings are coming from the unlikeliest of places. First Sarah Palin tells Fox News that “the worst thing that the GOP establishment can do is marginalize Ron Paul and his supporters.” Then that sentiment was echoed by Sen. Jim DeMint, speaking on The Laura Ingraham Show, when he warned ... MORE

VIDEO: Andrew Napolitano - What Is The Establishment?

Andrew Canfield: Going For Individual Liberty

Because Washington creates more problems than it solves. This Republican primary season has proven quite promising for believers in governmental restraint. The landscape appeared bleak for conservatives alienated by the cable news partisanship and tiresome talk radio echo chamber. It was safe to assume America was set for another bland  ... MORE

Sheldon Richman: Opposing Imperialism Is Not Isolationism

What Ron Paul's critics refuse to admit.  When pundits and rival politicians call Ron Paul an “isolationist,” they mislead the American people—and they know it. They know it? How could they not: Ron Paul is for unilateral, unconditional free trade. He believes any American should be perfectly free to buy from or sell to any person in the world. In that  ... MORE