Showing posts with label class warfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label class warfare. Show all posts

Star Parker: Whole Nation Is On Government Plantation

Memo to Mitt Romney:  Here’s free advice for Mitt Romney. Before bringing up the poor again, read my book “Uncle Sam’s Plantation.” Romney has been taking a drubbing about his remarks in a CNN interview that he is “not worried about the very poor…we have a safety net there…If it needs a repair, I will fix it.” And then going on to say it is “..middle    ... MORE

Sheldon Richman: Obama's Bogus Case For Tax Fairness

Calling something just does not make it so. In his State of the Union speech Tuesday night President Obama played the fairness card in calling for higher taxes on upper-income people. He said: [W]e need to change our tax code so that people like me, and an awful lot of Members of Congress, pay our fair share of taxes. Tax reform should follow the Buffett rule: If you  ... MORE

VIDEO: George Ought to Help

Is democracy always moral? When is government force justified?

William McGurn: Taxing Kim Kardashian

Progressives want to spend more of her money.     Poor Kim Kardashian. Well, poor may not be the right word. By all accounts—especially those she televises for her reality shows—Ms. Kardashian manages quite comfortably on her income. According to the New York Post, that includes as much as $17.9 million that she raked in for her well-publicized August ... MORE

Larry Elder: Hey OWS, Wealth Isn't A Civil Right

Why Peter is getting very uneasy.  There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. Everything demanded by the Occupy Wall Streeters -- whether "free" health care, a "world-class education" or a "guaranteed living-wage income regardless of employment" status -- costs money. When a CEO makes a lot of money in the private sector, it is because his company -- rightly or ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Should The Rich Be Condemned?

The ignorant see capitalism as only benefiting the rich. Thomas Edison invented the incandescent bulb, the phonograph, the DC motor and other items in everyday use and became wealthy by doing so. Thomas Watson founded IBM and became rich through his company's contribution to the computation revolution. Lloyd Conover, while in the employ of Pfizer ... MORE

Bill Freeze: The Inevitable Outcome Of Big Government

Uncontrolled power + special interests = crony capitalism. Would a farmer who put out a trough of slop be surprised if it attracted a bunch of pigs? Then why are activists who promote enlarging the size and scope of government shocked when one program after another is hijacked by corporations that find it easier to seek favors in Washington than ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Poverty In America

Let's look at a few poverty facts. According to CBS News, "the number of people in the U.S. living in poverty in 2010 rose for the fourth year in a row, representing the largest number of Americans in poverty in the 52 years since such estimates have been published by the U.S. Census Bureau." MSNBC said, "The U.S. poverty rate remains among the highest in the developed  ... MORE

Housing Crisis Caused By Government, Not Bankers

Smoking-gun document ties policy to housing crisis. President Obama says the Occupy Wall Street protests show a "broad-based frustration" among Americans with the financial sector, which continues to kick against regulatory reforms three years after the financial crisis. "You're seeing some of the same folks who acted irresponsibly trying to fight efforts to crack ... MORE

David Harsanyi: Let's Eat The Rich

Obama's misguided economic agenda. Some wiseguys at the Economic Freedom Network just released a survey alleging that the United States has fallen from the sixth-freest economy in the world to the 10th-freest. The survey is based on four foundations of a healthy capitalist society: "personal choice, voluntary exchange coordinated by markets, freedom to enter and ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Two Different Worlds

A conflict of visions. Ideological clashes over particular laws, policies and programs often go far deeper. Those with opposing views of what is desirable for the future also tend to differ equally sharply as to what the reality of the present is. In other words, they envision two very different worlds. A small but revealing example was a recent New York Times criticism of former Apple CEO  ... MORE

Aaron Klein: Some Can Appreciate The President's Efforts

Obama gets thumbs up from the Communist Party. It may be early in the campaign season, but the Communist Party USA already has seen fit to endorse Barack Obama for the 2012 election. While noting he is disappointed with "some aspects" of the Obama administration's domestic and foreign policy, Sam Webb, chairman of the Communist Party USA, threw his support  ... MORE

A. Barton Hinkle: Sports Vs. Social Justice

Does Derek Jeter really deserve millions of dollars?  Last weekend Derek Jeter made baseball history when he became only the 28th MLB player to reach 3,000 hits. He's the only player to do it wearing the Yankees uniform. For diehard Yankees fans, Jeter may be worth all the money on Earth. But many less ardent enthusiasts probably wonder whether even someone as  ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Seductive Beliefs Part I and II

One of the painfully revealing episodes in Barack Obama's book "Dreams From My Father" describes his early experience listening to a sermon by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Among the things said in that sermon was that "white folks' greed runs a world in need." Obama was literally moved to ... MORE