Showing posts with label gas prices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gas prices. Show all posts

Steve Forbes: Chuck Schumer, Know-Nothing Senator

The wind behind an absurd approach to oil policy.  Chuck Schumer (Democrat–New York), the headline-loving U.S. senator who hasn’t disguised his ambition to succeed Harry Reid as the Senate Majority Leader, garnered some press attention the other day by calling on Saudi Arabia to boost its oil production in order to help suppress a politically   ... MORE

Ronald Bailey: Newt's Despicable Gasoline Price Promise

Newt imagines he can control the law of supply and demand. Former House Speaker and current Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich has promised voters that gasoline will be $2.50 per gallon after he becomes president. In fact, Gingrich thinks he may even be able to get the price down to $1.20 per gallon. "His promise to go the moon is     ... MORE

Walter E. Williams: Compliant Americans

A nation of sheep. Last month, at a Raeford, N.C., elementary school, a teacher confiscated the lunch of a 5-year-old girl because it didn't meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines and therefore was deemed nonnutritious. She replaced it with school cafeteria chicken nuggets. The girl's home-prepared lunch was nutritious; it consisted of a turkey ... MORE

Paul Streitz: Rise In Oil Prices & The Decline Of The Dollar

The seen is oil prices. The unseen is decline of the dollar.   The rise in oil prices is not due to the laws of supply and demand regarding oil. It is the result of the continued fall of the dollar. As the Federal Reserve creates more money, the value of the dollar falls. As the value of the dollar falls and oil producers demand more and more for each barrel     ... MORE

Gene Healy: The Struggle For Individual Liberty Never Ends

Because big government is relentless.    For supporters of limited government who are closely following the 2012 presidential race, I've got good news and bad news. The good news is the "Cult of Obama" is dead. A recent Reuters story explores the Obama campaign's marketing difficulties, and the headline says it all: "Obama's Slogan: Looking to Replace ... MORE

THE BLAZE: Could Oil Reach $440 A Barrel?

It could if history repeats itself.   Bob Bandos, president and CEO of GAC North America, a marine logistics and service company headquartered in Dubai, fears that the tension between Iran and the West will lead to an exponential increase in the price of oil. Many Blaze readers are aware of the details: several Western countries have threatened to sanction Iran ... MORE

Gary Jason: Like The Price Of Gas? Just Wait!

Obama's post-November plans for our energy sector. The worthy journalists of the mainstream media have not seen fit to raise urgent questions about the soaring price of gas, and the current administration's role in causing it. Contrast that with the intensely critical commentary directed at George W. Bush when gas spiked during the latter part of his tenure ... MORE

Steve Chapman: Pandering At The Pump

Avoid D.C. if  gas market wisdom is what you want.   In the field of petroleum, location is everything. If you want to find oil, you don't drill in Rhode Island. And if you want to find wisdom about gasoline markets, you avoid Washington, D.C. In good times, the confusion and folly of our elected leaders have only limited impact. But when pump prices rise to ... MORE

Joseph Svetlic: Gasoline Prices And Dollar Prices

The real price of gasoline is going down.    It's not that gasoline is more expensive; it's just that your dollars are worth less. But neither the media nor the political establishment wants you to realize the real reason Americans are experiencing pain at the pump. Surging gasoline prices are back in the news, and President Obama shows his concern for Americans   ... MORE

David Harsanyi: Obama Gets His Way With Oil Prices

Aren't high gas prices what Democrats want?     Gas prices are spiking. That's great news, right? We have to wean ourselves off the stuff. At least that's what we've been hearing for years. Oil is dirty. We import it from nations that hate our guts (like Canada!). And moreover, we're running out. Oil is "finite." Finite much in the way water is finite. So why aren't ... MORE

Gas Prices and Speculators: They Think You Are Stupid

It is with great interest that I read this past week about the President's initial response to rising gas prices. What or who was to blame? According to the President...speculators. Nameless, faceless, speculators. They are to blame for the rising price of crude oil and the accompanying price at the pump! The problem is...speculators and people make various bets, and they say ...    MORE