Showing posts with label income. Show all posts
Showing posts with label income. Show all posts

$60,000 In Welfare Spent Per Household In Poverty

by Daniel Halper. New data compiled by the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee shows that, last year, the United States spent over $60,000 to support welfare programs per each household that is in poverty. The calculations are based on data from the Census, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Congressional Research Services. ... MORE

William Sullivan: Social Justice Is A Proven Failure

... and so is Obama. There is a reason that Obama's ideological policy efforts have failed America. It is because they, like his ideology, are not American. No, I am not suggesting that he wasn't born here or that he's not an American citizen. I am stating with absolute certainty that his core ideology is predicated upon anything but liberty. And since     ... MORE

Andrew A. Morgan: Why The Left Hates The Laffer Curve

A self-evident economic truth.    For those who are familiar with the "Laffer Curve," the name generally brings on an immediate and politically charged opinion related to the inherent implications the curve has historically had on the topic of the government's tax rate policies. However, the underlying points illustrated by the curve deserve serious and   ... MORE

Ted Nugent: Mitt Romney Was Right About The 47%

Americans are too dependent on Fedzilla.    Mitt Romney hit the bull’s-eye with his comments regarding the 47 percent of Americans who do not have any skin in the game as it pertains to paying federal income tax. Facts are facts. Mr. Romney is not backing down. Good. The truth is the truth and it’s long past time someone said it. As I’ve written    ... MORE

Robert Rector: How Poor Is 'Poor'?

What's it mean to say 46 million people live in poverty? Yesterday morning, the U.S. Bureau of the Census released its annual report on income and poverty, saying that some 46.2 million Americans –15 percent of the population — were poor in 2011. The poverty rate did not fall from the prior year but remained at a near record high, the agency said. ... MORE

Neal Boortz: The 'Risk' Of Being Poor

Please stand back.   I’ve been waiting for day to say this; waiting to calm down enough that my keystrokes won’t break the keyboard. I heard some lady say something on TV, and seldom have I heard a more idiotic statement from someone in a position to know better … I mean this is so magnificently ignorant – even stupid – that if this woman’s ignorance were   ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: 'Bait And Switch' Taxes

The numbers don't lie.   We have heard many times from President Barack Obama how he plans to raise taxes on "millionaires and billionaires," but not on the middle class. Apparently, if you don't happen to be a millionaire or billionaire, you don't have to worry. But the numbers say otherwise -- and say so big time. The actual tax increase pans being   ... MORE

Walter E Williams: The Rich Don't Pay Enough?

Obama exploits ignorance on taxes.    If you listen to America's political hacks, mainstream media talking heads and their socialist allies, you can't help but reach the conclusion that the nation's tax burden is borne by the poor and middleclass while the rich get off scot-free. Stephen Moore, senior economics writer for The Wall     ... MORE

Caroline Baum: Flying With Milton Friedman

Milton proved ideas matter. As I was leaving the house for a full day of travel, I wanted something to read during airport holdovers and almost certain delays. My only prerequisite was that the book be small enough to fit in my purse. Whether I grabbed Milton Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom because of recent tributes to the Nobel laureate — he    ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Sports Versus Politics

Empirical evidence has great value.   It has long seemed to me that there is far more rationality in sports, and in commentaries on sports, than there is in politics and in commentaries on politics. What has puzzled me is why this is so, when what happens in politics has far more serious effects on people's lives. To take one common example, there are many people ... MORE

VIDEO: Real World Effects Of Minimum Wage

John Stossel. Why minimum wage laws have made life more difficult for low skill workers and spelled the end for movie ushers and gas station attendants.

Thomas Sowell: Big Lies In Politics

A throwback to a Nazi philosophy.    It was either Adolf Hitler or his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, who said that the people will believe any lie, if it is big enough and told often enough, loud enough. Although the Nazis were defeated in World War II, this part of their philosophy survives triumphantly to this day among politicians, and nowhere more  ... MORE

Jacob Hornberger: Should There Be A Federal Tipping Law?

Voluntarily doing the right thing. Suppose the Franklin Roosevelt administration had enacted a law in the 1930s that required every restaurant customer in America to pay a 15 percent tip to waiters. The argument in favor of such a law would have been twofold: to help the poor and to stimulate the economy by getting more money  ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Trashing Achievement

Outcome differences are called "class differences." There was a time, within living memory, when the achievements of others were not only admired but were often taken as an inspiration for imitation of the same qualities that had served these achievers well, even if we were not in the same field of endeavor and were not expecting to achieve on   ... MORE